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#1 The Dump (Art ver.)


Finding “The One”

While I was carving out progress on the coding front of the game, I did try to make some general art on my own with my iPad Pro and Apple pencil. Creating anything that met my picky expectations, however, took way too long. I would work on something for weeks and sometimes just scrap it out of frustration. After many iterations of this, I decided to see if there could be anyone out there who I could pay to do it better and faster than I could.
I jumped into the world of Fiverr initially. But after a few hours of combing through artists, I couldn’t find anything that really piqued my interest. I wandered into Reddit, focusing mainly on the subreddit gamedevclassifieds, and eventually came across Domii (@Niques_dom), who linked their Twitter page. On one of the people they shouted out, they listed someone by the name of Amaagumo. I perused their profile and found their project Harukaze, which provided a similar aesthetic to what I was looking for. I reached out to them since I saw that they had a commission slot open, and we were well on our way.

How’s It Going?

It’s been pretty amazing to see the amorphous character that I’ve held in my head for a while slowly start to take form. I’ll dump these images in progress here for now, but I’ll try going into a deeper dive into my thoughts on each iteration at a later point in time.





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