
Shield3 twitter

Goal: Transition the Logos Twitter to Shield3

Existing account:
Proposed Handles (availability not confirmed): Shield3Security, 0xShield3, ( is held by a Korean girl and hasn’t been updated in 12 years - how to get it?)

Thread draft

We are excited to announce the launch of Shield3, a suite of consumer protection tools that bring safety and protection to all of web3, and all wallets. But how did we go from a DAO Exchange to #web3security 🧵 1/8

In building the Logos DAO exchange, we identified that a key blocker to onboarding people into #web3communities was the lack of security features common in web2 financial products 2/8

To solve for this, we successfully piloted various security products, including DAO Shield to flag malicious transactions and smart contract misconfigurations. We talk about security for #DAOs in the @MIT law report. @mit_clr #web3security #cryptosafety 3/8

We built white hat fund recovery tools using Flashbots and helped rescue funds for our community members. #whitehatmev 4/8

#Web3 users are under the constant threat of targeted phishing campaigns, malicious contract upgrades, bridge hacks, negligent admins, and more.
There are ways to protect yourself. #web3security #cryptosafety #web3safety 5/8

Shield3 provides – to all consumers – active monitoring and threat interception typically reserved for professional traders, developers, and enterprise customers. No chrome extension necessary. #web3security #cryptosafety #web3safety 6/8
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The Shield3 RPC blocks or triages malicious transactions coming from any wallet. #web3security #cryptosafety #web3safety 7/8
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Stay tuned for free active security monitoring and interception for all the communities that have supported us to this point: @Meta_Cartel @EthereumDenver @nowdaoit @metagov_project and many more. #web3security #cryptosafety #buildingweb3 8/8

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