Nick’s first session of real estate investing coaching was a smashing success for me and my cohort of beginner real estate investors. As novice real estate investors, we formed a strong out-of-state team and bought cash flowing assets.
Nick’s first session of real estate investing coaching was a smashing success for me and my cohort of beginner real estate investors. As novice real estate investors, we formed a strong out-of-state team and bought cash flowing assets.
I enrolled in Nick’s Foundations Cohort after attending his presentations and would like to report on this experience.
By the end of month 2 of our 6 month Foundations Cohort coaching, our cohort of beginner investors:
Bought or put under contract 7 out-of-state properties: 5 Buy and Hold, 1 BRRRR, and 1 Vacation Rental.
Walked away from 2 properties under contract whose rehab costs did not match the numbers needed for our investment thesis.
These results might not seem impressive but remember that we were a cohort of beginner investors who never invested out-of-state and some never purchased real-estate. Here is what we said about our experience level and confidence:
“If it’s not because of him [Nick] I won’t have the courage to go start investing out of state so fast.”
“Without Nick’s Foundations coaching and the support of my fellow students, I would only be dreaming."
“I would have been lost and never would have the confidence to invest in a new market.”
Our median house purchase
Purchase Price
Cost of property
Cost to make rent ready
Cash In Deal
∑ Down Payment + Closing Costs + Rehab + (Cash out Refinance)
Max Cash
Total Cash Used
There are no rows in this table
Median projected financial performance
Equity Growth
Cash Flow
Total Return
Annual ROI
Equity Growth
Cash Flow
Total Return
Annual ROI
There are no rows in this table
Of course describing our median purchase does not describe our home runs! I’ll leave this graph to whet your appetite.
What we learned in the first two months
Nick’s coaching course consists of three components:
Bi-weekly group classes
Bi-weekly 1:1s
Weekly Office Hours
Month 1: March 20-April 20
Vivid Vision Goal Setting
Strategy including the difference between ROI and Return on Time Invested.
Buy & Hold Deal Analysis, BRRRR Deal Analysis
Interviews with Agent and Lender
Month 2: April 20-May 20
Market Selection, Team Building, Making Offers
Interviews with Appraiser, Property Manager, Multifamily and Self-Storage Investor
Cohort is performing daily deal analysis, making offers, and making winning bids.
My Experience with Nick’s Foundations Coaching
Why Nick’s Coaching was effective
Nick accelerated the investing careers of a whole cohort of newbie investors because we trusted him. He taught us the value of conservative analysis and growing the investment tree to become rich slowly. He opened his rolodex of his best agents, lenders, property managers, appraiser, project manager, and contractors so that we could form a great out-of-state team.
Nick’s coaching is the genuine product in a sea of investment coaching cranks. I believed in Nick because I trusted in the good of Investing@Meta community. I also liked how Nick was always willing to share the challenges and failures he encountered in his investing career. I wanted to learn from Nick and avoid some of his mistakes.
Nick went above and beyond to ensure that I would not make costly mistakes by reviewing my deal analyses, inspection report, and even sent his contractor to my properties to evaluate the repairs cost. This is particularly special because it is hard to purchase properties out-of-state sight unseen. On that last note, Nick always says he guards his contractor’s number because good contractors are hard to find and they have more than enough work, but Nick helped me out!
Nick connected me with a dream team of high character people to work with and learn from. My agent, lender, and property manager were simultaneously my teachers and my business partners. You generally don’t know what great looks like until you experience it. From now on, I will have a frame of reference to weigh future business partners.
Nick worked with me at a personalized accelerated pace through his bi-weekly 1:1s and office hours coaching. I could move quickly and get as much from his coaching as I was willing to put in.
What I think Nick could improve about the program
Create an accelerated product. The ideal product for me would be either a self-paced 1:1 coaching or an accelerator program. After the birth of my daughter last year, time feels more and more precious to me. I want to reach my financial goals sooner and I’m willing to spend the time and resources to sprint to my destination. Nick’s 1:1s were golden in helping me accelerate my timeline. The course lectures were too slow. If left to my own devices, I would want to binge all the information in a weekend. The good news is that Nick is offering an
Enable more frequent interactions with Nick. I don’t have enough face time to absorb from Nick everything I want to learn. Nick’s time is limited and he must split his time between his business ventures and his coaching cohort. Either increase the fee on the coaching program so that it is worth Nick’s time to increase coaching hours or create systems to enable greater self-paced learning. Content could be pre-recorded or written to be consumed asynchronously. Build out a community of Nick’s trusted investors who can advise new cohorts of students.
Raise the bar on coaching expectations and hold the cohort accountable to deliver results. This course benefits those that invest their time and the people who put more time in get better results. I would encourage Nick to set a more ambitious target for his future cohorts because hard working smart people can achieve it and Nick is more than capable of teaching them.
Nick’s Foundations Cohort coaching has been the third joy in my life alongside my job at Meta and my 18 month old daughter. It was exhilarating to learn and grow at a rapid pace and to see immediate financial rewards for my work.
Before this adventure, I had never purchased an investment property, let alone an out-of-state investment property. Nick has not only helped me grow my portfolio but also established a solid foundation for my RE investing career.
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