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Legionaries of Christ


Inoh’s thoughts
Legionaries recognize two realities - faithful Catholics are the church militant. Our battles are in spiritual warfare. The Legionaries reflect a militant attitutde in fighting spiritual ware on earth.
Exemplified by Col. Stauffenberg who ...
11 young men took their first steps by entering basic training on July 5th, the day that Americans celebrate ‘Independence Day” to commemorate the freedom from the injustice of tyranny.
Candidacy is like basecamp before one climbs Mt. Everest. To reach highest peak on earth, 29,000 ft above sea level, one must first aclimatize to thinner oxygen and prepare for the strenous climb. Each of the 11 candidates learn to work as a team (fraternal life), bring only the necessary tools (vow of poverty) discarding fluff (social media, bad habits), and follow their guides (vow of obedience). Each leave behind family, and loved ones (vow of chastity) to undertake a dangerous climb (mission).
Fraternal Life
3 pictures
Quote from Brother on what they learned
What surprised them the most
3 pictures
Quote from Brother on what they learned
What surprised them the most
3 pictures
Quote from Brother on what they learned
What surprised them the most

Comparing Legionary to Valkyrie
Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, portrayed in the film "Valkyrie," was a German army officer who was involved in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and overthrow the Nazi regime during World War II. He recognized the atrocities committed by Hitler's SS and the widespread disgust within the officer corps toward the crimes committed by the Nazis, including the mass execution of Jews and other innocent civilians.
Stauffenberg's stand against tyranny can be linked to the concept of "church militant" and "spiritual warfare" in the following ways:
1. Church Militant: In Christian theology, the "Church Militant" refers to the body of believers on Earth who are engaged in the ongoing spiritual battle against evil and sin.
"Church Militant" refers to the Church on earth, which struggles against the forces of evil while working for the transformation of the world through the Gospel and good works. It is part of the larger Mystical Body of Christ, along with the Church Triumphant in heaven and the Church Suffering in purgatory
Stauffenberg's opposition to Hitler's regime can be seen as a form of spiritual warfare, where he chose to resist the evil and tyranny of the Nazi regime in the name of justice, righteousness, and human dignity. His actions align with the idea of Christians taking a stand against the forces of darkness in the world, seeking to bring about justice and righteousness
2. Spiritual Warfare: The concept of spiritual warfare is rooted in the idea that there are unseen spiritual forces at work in the world, contending for the souls and destinies of individuals and nations.
Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version): "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Stauffenberg's resistance against Hitler's regime can be viewed as a manifestation of spiritual warfare, as he fought against the evil ideologies and actions that sought to destroy human lives and perpetrate injustice. His struggle to bring about a better future for Germany and humanity can be seen as a battle against the spiritual forces of darkness that were influencing the Nazi regime.
Stauffenberg's letter, as depicted in the film, reflects his recognition of the need to save human lives and his commitment to serving a higher moral calling than mere loyalty to the state. He acknowledged the spiritual battle he faced, knowing that he would be seen as a traitor by some for his actions. His willingness to sacrifice his life for a just cause and his belief that only God could judge them underscore the spiritual dimension of his resistance.
In summary, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's stand against tyranny and his involvement in the plot to assassinate Hitler can be seen as an example of spiritual warfare and the concept of the "church militant." His actions reflect the struggle against evil and the willingness to fight for justice and righteousness, even at great personal cost, in the face of a regime driven by darkness and oppression.

**Title: "Courageous Choices: The Legionaries of Christ Candidacy and Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's Stand in Valkyrie"**
**Introduction:** The Legionaries of Christ Candidacy serves as a transformative summer program for young men discerning their vocation to the priesthood. During this period of formation, candidates are immersed in a regimented lifestyle and community living, engaging in prayer, Mass, classes, and activities centered around the priesthood. The program encourages a deep encounter with Christ and helps candidates discern their calling with the Legionaries of Christ [[1](].
Parallel with Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's Journey in Valkyrie: In the 2008 film "Valkyrie," we witness the true story of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, who courageously stood against evil during World War II. He joined a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, recognizing the moral imperative to take a stand against tyranny. Colonel Stauffenberg's journey showcases themes that resonate with the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy, such as the role of obedience, leaving behind loved ones, choosing sides, and embracing courage in the face of evil.
**Outline for a 10-page Visual Magazine:**
**Cover Image:** A powerful composite image featuring scenes from "Valkyrie" alongside photographs of young men in the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy, representing the shared themes of bravery and sacrifice.
**Page 1: Introduction - "Courageous Choices"** - An introductory piece explaining the parallel between the transformative journeys of the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy and Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg in "Valkyrie." - Emphasizing the importance of making courageous choices in pursuit of a higher calling.
**Page 2-3: The Legionaries of Christ Candidacy - "Embracing the Desert"** - An overview of the Candidacy program, detailing how young men immerse themselves in prayer, community living, and spirituality to discern their calling. - Highlights from testimonials of past candidates who have encountered Christ deeply during the program.
**Page 4-5: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg - "A Stand Against Evil"** - A summary of Colonel Stauffenberg's role in the assassination plot against Hitler, showcasing his unwavering commitment to stand against tyranny and evil. - Exploring the role of obedience in both the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy and Colonel Stauffenberg's decision to follow their convictions.
**Page 6-7: Kissing Our Family Goodbye - "Sacrifices for a Greater Cause"** - Personal reflections and accounts from Legionaries of Christ candidates as they leave behind their families and past relationships to pursue their vocation. - A poignant retelling of Colonel Stauffenberg's farewells to his loved ones as he undertakes a dangerous mission.
**Page 8-9: Choosing Sides - "The Battle for the Soul"** - Examining the significance of choosing between good and evil in the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy and Colonel Stauffenberg's journey. - Insights from Legionaries of Christ leaders on guiding young men to discern their path and embrace the call to priesthood.
**Page 10: Conclusion - "Unwavering Courage"** - A powerful conclusion reinforcing the parallel between the brave choices made in the Candidacy and Colonel Stauffenberg's historic stand. - Encouraging readers to embrace courage in their own lives and seek the guidance of Christ in their discernment journey.
**Back Cover:** A striking image of young men in the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy, along with a quote from Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's memorable line in "Valkyrie": "Long live sacred Germany!"
(Note: The visual magazine outline should integrate evocative images from "Valkyrie" alongside candid photographs and testimonials from participants in the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy program. The use of quotes and anecdotes will emphasize the themes of courage, sacrifice, and commitment to a higher purpose.)
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