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Legionaries of Christ

Exodus 47

Candidacy is the live-in version of Exodus 90, a spiritual exercise completed by over 100,000 men based on Christ's roadmap to freedom: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. Men who desire to grow in their spiritual life and discern religious life with the Legionaries call together a fraternity of men to prayer, asceticism, and fraternity.
What is Exodus?
Exodus 90 is a spiritual exercise for men based on Christ's roadmap to freedom: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. Men who desire to grow in the spiritual life and be uncommonly free call together a fraternity of 6-8 men to join them in following a set structure of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. They will be led by daily readings from the Scriptures, paired with daily reflections, to keep them on the road to freedom.
Exodus is a spiritual exercise that not only promises men greater freedom but delivers it. Over 90% of men who have gone through Exodus 90 say they have experienced greater freedom because of it. And though 90 days proves to be enough to aid men in gaining greater freedom, it is not enough to defend it for life. To gain a life of freedom, we must continue to follow Christ's model and roadmap; we must continue to live a life of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. We have intentionally designed spiritual exercises that coincide with the Liturgical calendar and allow for men to gain uncommon freedom throughout the year.
Why this outline
Exodus is familiar with most
Apt analogy
Section I: Desert Training (Mission)
The Journey
The Climber
Section II: The Gear (Formation, Spirituality, and Team Life)
Fraternal Life
Section III: The Sherpa (Accompaniment)
The Formators
The Team Leaders
Christ Thy King and Queen of Apostles
Section IV: The Climb (Apostolate)
Choosing a side: Self or God
The Climb
Section V: Appendix
Example Schedule

Title: "Journey to Freedom: A Comparison of Legionaries of Christ Candidacy and Exodus 90"


In this 10-page visual magazine, we will explore the similarities between the Legionaries of Christ summer candidacy program, known as "Candidacy," and the spiritual exercise for men, Exodus 90. Both programs are designed to lead participants towards freedom and a deeper relationship with Christ through prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. We will delve into the structure, goals, and transformative experiences of these two programs to understand how they shape young men and challenge them to rise up in their faith.

Page 1: Cover - "Journey to Freedom"

- A captivating design featuring images of young men engaged in prayer and fraternity, symbolizing their respective journeys in Candidacy and Exodus 90.

Page 2-3: "Legionaries of Christ Candidacy" - The Call to Embrace the Desert

- An overview of the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy, emphasizing its goal of intimate knowledge of Christ and discernment towards the priesthood. - Testimonials from past candidates, highlighting the transformative experiences during the 7-week summer bootcamp.
What basecamp is to Mt. Everest, Candidacy is to Novitiate. Legionary candidates ease into the fraternal lifestyle required to discern the priesthood in Novitiate.
What Candidacy is not - you’re not discerning the priesthood as much as whether you can embrace ‘the desert’ for the next two years.

Page 4-5: "Exodus 90" - Asceticism, Prayer, and Fraternity

- An introduction to the Exodus 90 program, focusing on its emphasis on prayer, asceticism, and fraternity to attain freedom and spiritual growth. - Reflections from participants sharing how the program has impacted their prayer life and personal discipline.
Fruits: Dependability, Authenticity, Humility, Personal Conviction, Community Spirit, Balance and human maturity, Apostolic Zeal, Intellectual
Ordinary Schedule Example
Timeline of special events and themes
Camping & Hiking
Theology of Body
**Page 6-7: "Detachment and Sacrifice: Similar Challenges"** - A comparison of the sacrifices made by young men in Candidacy, such as leaving behind past relationships and detaching from their phones, with the ascetic practices followed in Exodus 90. - Personal stories of detachment and its transformative effects on participants.
Leaving behind Beatrice
Leaving behind phone
Benefits of sleeping early
Benefits of examen
**Page 8-9: "Community and Brotherhood"** - Highlighting the importance of community life and fraternity in both Candidacy and Exodus 90. - Testimonials from participants on the support and accountability received from their brothers during their respective journeys.
**Page 10: "Embracing Christ's Roadmap to Freedom"** - A conclusion summarizing the parallel journeys of freedom and spiritual growth in both Candidacy and Exodus 90. - Encouraging readers to consider how they can incorporate elements of these programs into their own spiritual lives.
**Back Cover: "Rising to the Challenge"** - A collage of images representing the courage and determination of young men in Candidacy and participants of Exodus 90. - Contact details and information for those interested in joining the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy or participating in the Exodus 90 program.
(Note: The visual magazine outline should integrate relevant images of young men in Candidacy and participants of Exodus 90 engaging in prayer, fraternity, and ascetic practices. Quotes and reflections from participants of both programs should be included to illustrate the transformative impact of their respective journeys.)
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