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Legionaries of Christ

Dante's Divine Comedy

Summary of Dante's Divine Comedy:
Dante's Divine Comedy is a renowned epic poem written in the 14th century. It consists of three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. The poem follows the journey of the protagonist, Dante himself, through the realms of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Guided by the poet Virgil and his beloved Beatrice, Dante encounters various sinners and witnesses their punishments in Hell, experiences purification in Purgatory, and finally reaches the beatific vision in Paradise.
Magazine Title: "A Journey to Embrace the Divine: Legionaries of Christ Candidacy"
Cover Image: A striking image of a young man walking through a desert landscape with a radiant glow of hope and determination, representing his pursuit of a deeper connection with Christ.
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Unveiling the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy: A glimpse into the transformative 7-week summer bootcamp designed to facilitate an intimate encounter with Christ and discernment for the priesthood.
Comparing Candidacy to Dante's Descent: Drawing parallels between the candidate's journey in the desert-like period and Dante's descent into the depths of Hell, both involving self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Story Structure Outlines:
1. Inferno: Confronting the Past (Pages 1-3)
Leaving the Past Behind: Candid interviews with candidates on their decision to leave behind their girlfriends and past relationships in pursuit of a higher calling.
Embracing the Desert: Powerful visuals and narratives depicting how the regimented lifestyle and community living mirror Dante's descent into Hell, where candidates face their inner struggles.
Human Formation / 7 layers of hell
Vow of Obedience
Vow of Poverty
community life
2. Purgatorio: The Journey Within (Pages 4-6)
Living in Community: A photo story showcasing the candidates' experiences of learning to live with 11 other brothers, fostering brotherhood and camaraderie during the discernment process.
Detaching from Distractions: Inspiring accounts of candidates detaching from phones and worldly distractions to focus on prayer, mass, classes, and activities centered around the priesthood.
3. Paradiso: Embracing the Divine Call (Pages 7-10)
Knowing Christ Intimately: Testimonials from candidates about their growing relationship with Christ and their discernment journey, akin to Dante's ascent to Heaven.
Wisdom from the Legion Leadership: In-depth interviews with Legionaries of Christ leaders, offering valuable insights and guidance for the candidates' spiritual path.
Closing Message:
A Call to Embrace the Divine: An empowering message inviting young men to embark on the Candidacy journey, to find purpose, and to discern joyfully if they are called to the priesthood.
(Note: Each section should combine stunning visuals, thought-provoking quotes, and engaging narratives to create an impactful 10-page visual magazine outline that captures the essence of the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy.)

Alternative outline
Introduction: Compare and contrast the Candidacy program to Dante's journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.
Body: Discuss the different challenges and rewards that Dante and the young man face on their respective journeys.
Conclusion: Draw parallels between Dante's journey and the young man's journey, and discuss the lessons that can be learned from both.
These are just a few ideas on how to tailor the Legionaries of Christ Candidacy into a 10 page visual magazine outline. The specific content of the magazine would depend on the target audience and the desired message.
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