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Legionaries of Christ

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Prompt: you are the product manager for Legionaries of Christ, a global Catholic religious order seeking to transform today’s leaders to bring Christ-centered Ethos into the fabric of culture. You’re in charge of creating a magazine for the summer program:
The Legionaries of Christ has a summer discernment bootcamp for young men discerning about joining their 2-year novitiate, period of formation often compared to a desert. The goal of this period is for the prospective seminarian to know Christ intimately, to discern whether they can joyfully embrace the regimented lifestyle and community life, and to give the Legion leadership team to better understand the candidates and provide wisdom on the discernment journey.

What product would you build? A media communicating the ethos to non-Regnum Christi members.

Constraints: You’re in North America, limited budget, 3 weeks, a team of one.

Company Mission: Is to form apostles as Christ did.
Market: Catholics, and Christians inspired by Christ-centered living, and ideals.
Religious inclined
Those who know Regnum Christi (Candidates, Legionary terriorial directors),
Those who know about Vocations (Vocation praying sisters, Prospective Seminarians)
Those who are young Catholic professionals curious to know God’s calling
Those who want to share stories with their family members.
Rational - need some kind of background on religious, that is appealing
Personal connections
Something candidates can pass out to their friends and brothers about what they are doing so they can look into it and try it out

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