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Engineering Interviews
Front-End Questions


On our platform we have a UI in which we render a list of leads. The user can paginate and filter those leads.
For this exercise we would like to implement a similar UI by completing the following requirements:
The application should fetch data from an endpoint. For this exercise we will use this test endpoint () that returns a list of comments (The data in here is irrelevant for the exercise).
A user should be able to paginate over the list of data. Since our endpoint does not support pagination we want to implement it in the FE. We will display 10 items per page and clicking a next or previous button should display the next or previous 10 items.
A user should be able to filter the items return by our endpoint. Since our endpoint does not support filtering we want to implement it in the FE. The filtering should filter the records based on two properties email and name.
Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 12.37.58 PM.png
For the candidate
<!-- On our platform we have a UI in which we render a list of leads. The user can paginate and filter those leads. For this exercise we would like to implement a similar UI by completing the following requirements: - The application should fetch data from an endpoint. For this exercise we will use this test endpoint () that returns a list of comments (The data in here is irrelevant for the exercise). - A user should be able to paginate over the list of data. Since our endpoint does not support pagination we want to implement it in the FE. We will display 10 items per page and clicking a next or previous button should display the next or previous 10 items. - A user should be able to filter the items return by our endpoint. Since our endpoint does not support filtering we want to implement it in the FE. The filtering should filter the records based on two properties email and name. -->

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