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The Power of Understanding People Assessment
The 5 Types

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Bs: The "Romantics"

Romantics thrive on: appreciation and emotion.
Romantics pride themselves on being: easy to get along with, being warm, casual, friendly, and tactful.
Romantics love: kindness, gentleness, taking care of others’ needs, and being around good people.
Romantics base their understanding on: the “vibes” of the room; they can pick up things others don’t.
Romantics don’t like: flippant and quick changes to the plan that only benefit some.
Romantics may struggle with: being passive-aggressive or letting people walk all over them.
Romantics don’t mind: putting their neck out for someone else, but they need to feel valued.
Romantics are influenced by: a leader who they like who empathizes with them (likability).

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