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NZ Spirit 2021

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24/04/2021, 09:00
Main Stage
The Grand Convergence: The New Science of the Body-Mind-Spirit Trinity Bruce H. Lipton © 2021
Bruce Lipton
In a world of “truth” defined by conventional science, there is no recognition of the existence or influence of a human spirit. In contrast, quantum physics and molecular biology reveal a universe in which our identity is linked to an environmental “signal,” that exists whether our bodies are alive … or not. Each human is an expression of a unique environmental frequency, an inseparable, integral part of “All That Is’ (i.e., to many, God). We are “spirits,” powerful co-creators of our human experience. Cell biologist and bestselling author, Bruce H. Lipton unveils a revolutionary vision of frontier science that reveals a grand convergence of the Body-Mind-Spirit trinity. Through an understanding of the mechanisms by which consciousness interfaces biology, we are empowered to evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators, and in the process, are offered the key to realizing personal empowerment. This dynamic multimedia presentation provides a bold and hopeful vision of the next “holistic” stage of human civilization—and how each of us can fully participate as co-creators of the world to come. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and award-winning lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in the “new” biology. Bruce, recipient of Japan’s prestigious Goi Peace Award, is the author of the bestselling The Biology of Belief, The Honeymoon Effect, and co-author with Steve Bhaerman of Spontaneous Evolution.
24/04/2021, 15:00
Star Space
2 hrs
Laughter Yoga
Nic Corliss
Nicholas a Laughter yoga instructor will guide us through a small smorgasbord of tools to help you feel amazing.With the intention of raising your vibration. So we can go out and ripple effect out and increase the consciousness of the whole world.We will journey through, deep breathing the process of oxygenating the body and clearing the chatter in the mind. Culminating in Laughter yoga which is where your cheeks and abs will get sore from laughing so much.
24/04/2021, 15:00
2 hrs
Meet Your Inner Child
We might all know how it feels to be hurt or rejected. Maybe you start to realize patterns and cycles in your life and the same situations seem to happen over and over again.What if the answer to most of your problems is not in blaming God, the universe, or people around you, but in healing the experiences of your past?I invite you to discover the concept of inner child work. A concept that helped me unwrap traumatic events of my past and that changed my self-awareness, behaviors, and patterns in day to day life.I'll give a basic introduction, share parts of my personal journey, and guide you through a meditative time of self-discovery to help you to connect deeper with your subconscious mind.
Dominik Saur
Dominik is a free-spirit, passionate writer, community builder, workshop facilitator, and wisdom seeker.Over the last years, he’s been on a transformational journey of facing loss, grief, anxiety, and childhood trauma. Overcoming wounds of his past brought him back into aliveness and vibrancy and inspired many around him.He lives in Auckland and offers his gifts to support others on their own path of healing.
24/04/2021, 17:00
2 hrs
We all have patterns of behaviour in the way we connect with others. PlayCONNECTION is a space for adults to bring more awareness and experience to their ‘patterns of play.’ In this workshop we will use an embodied recipe of breath, sound, movement. The connecting medicine of PLAY!) to open a space for lightness, joyfulness and the nottakingofoneselftooseriouslyness. Lightheartedly looking at what gets in the way of the connection you desire. Play is the language of children and many of us as adults have forgotten how to speak it. We feel it's time for a reminder. Back to the essence and innocence of childhood PLAY!
Jewel Richards and Tom Wilson
Aka The FREEDOM Finder for Parents, Jacqlin is a Mother of 2, a Parent Empowerment Mentor, Speaker and Facilitator who is deeply passionate about bringing greater awareness to the world of life, relationships and parenting through PLAY. Why? Because it's fun! Tom has a background in martial arts, qigong, feldenkrais and yoga. This path has revealed to him the power of our wildness, the language of our bodies, the richness of our senses, the bliss of the present moment and the delight of being in
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