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NZ Spirit 2021

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22/04/2021, 19:00
Centre For Change
2 hrs
Speed Cuddling
YES It’s exactly what it sounds like!We will spend an hour opening into the space of cuddling, touch and intimacy with each other, working with boundaries, self-responsibility and asking for what we want.The second hour we will be “speed cuddling” what are we noticing with each cuddle, what are the qualities of the cuddle, what do we like/dislike, is there attraction to the physical, emotional, energetic. Theres soooooo much to explore!!!This workshop is for humans who feel confident in their boundaries and are WANTING to explore intimacy and touch with strangers.This workshop is offered as a platonic (non-sexual) cuddling space.
Tai Nikora
2018 I separated from my husband of 21 years and my two adult children left the nest. This is when my deep, open, exploration of non-sexual intimacy and touch began and it has grown into my very own Professional Cuddling business in Whangarei.I know that I’m doing work I absolutely love and it’s world changing GOODNESS!I look forward to connecting with you….in this yummy workshop, playfully on the dance floor, with an intense eye gaze or a dazzling smile of appreciation for each other!
22/04/2021, 20:30
Chai Tent
2 hrs
Sunny Ray
🕺 💃 Raving!
Sunny Ray

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