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User Roles and Access Management

Identomat system has 3 types of user roles to cover all primary use cases and workflows – Administrator, Operator, and End-user.
Company Administrator is the second highest level account. It has access to all dashboard and data functionalities for their specific company. In case the Company is registered as a Reseller the company Admin will be able to create Sub-company accounts.
The Operator is an organizational account tailored for agents and company reps for daily operational workflows like viewing and managing sessions, receiving live video verification calls, etc.
The Call Center Operator is a sub-role for an operator, this is a designated person from the organization that performs the manual verification via questionnaire. This role has the same permissions as the operator.
The end-user includes any user who goes through the verification process.
Role Permissions 2
Company Administrator
Call Center Operator
Create new Administrator or Operator accounts.

Examine Activity logs.
Only own sessions
Examine the identification sessions conducted.
Only own sessions
Verify sessions that require confirmation.
Only own sessions
If necessary, download information, electronic copies of documents and photo and video files.
Only own sessions
If necessary, fill out all the essential information that the program failed to read from OCR and MRZ zones.

Has associated login credentials in the system.

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