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Identomat System Manual & Integration Guide

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Developer Guide


Identomat is a service for checking human identity and liveness over the Internet. The manual assumes the integrating company (later "the company") has a web server (later "the company server") running at and has a company_key. The company_key is a password for communicating from the company server to the Identomat server ( As an option for additional security, companies can use HMAC Authorization. The secret_key is the encryption key used with HMAC.


The procedure is simple and consists of the following steps:
Acquiring a session_token,
Redirecting the user's browser to, and
Checking for a result.
To acquire a session_token the company server has to call the page and pass the following arguments: company_key and flags. Company server can also provide a custom steps object as an argument. The page like other pages can be called using HTTP GET or POST method. The parameters can be passed in a query string or as a URL-encoded form data or as a request body containing a JSON document. The flags parameter is an object containing the details about the identification process. Currently it may have the following format:

// Where to return after the identification.
// Omitting this means you are embedding in an iframe.
"return_url": <String>,

// Whether or not to check liveness of the user. Default: false
"liveness": <Boolean>,

// User interface language. Possible values: "en", "es", "ru", "uk", "gr", etc. Default: "en"
"language": <String>,

// A list of allowed documents.
// Possible item values: "id", "passport", "driver_license",
// "residence_license". Default: everything
"document_types": <Array>,

// Limit document scanning by country codes.
// Possible item values: "USA", "DEU", "ITA", etc.
"document_countries": <Array>,

// A list of allowed general documents.
// Works only if allow_general_document_capture or allow_general_document_upload is set.
// Possible item values: "bank_statement", "utility_bill", "drivers_license"
"general_document_types": <Array>,

// Allow capture of general document.
// Default: false,
"allow_general_document_capture": <Boolean>,

// Allow upload of general document.
// Default: false,
"allow_general_document_upload": <Boolean>,

// Skip agreement step completely
// Default: false
"skip_agreement": <Boolean>,

// Skip document scanning step completely
// Default: false
"skip_document": <Boolean>,

// Skip face scanning step completely
// Default: false
"skip_face": <Boolean>,

// Allow upload of an image as a document
// Default: false
"allow_document_upload": <Boolean>,

// Allow person to upload a selfie
// Default: false
"allow_face_upload": <Boolean>,

// Allow a person to upload an image of them holding a document in hand
// Default: false
"allow_face_doc_upload": <Boolean>,

// Require a person to hold a document in a hand
// Default: false
"require_face_document": <Boolean>,

// Disable document capture with camera
// Default: false
"disable_document_capture": <Boolean>,

// Skip personal computer, mac browser session and display QR code to continue on mobile device
// Default: false
"skip_desktop": <Boolean>,

// Instead of capturing passport's single page, capture double
// Default: false
"capture_double_page_passport": <Boolean>,

// Enable email verification step
// Default: false
"require_email_check": <Boolean>,

// Enable email collection step
// Default: false
"require_email": <Boolean>,

// Enable phone number verification step
// Default: false
"require_phone_number_check": <Boolean>,

// Enable phone number collection step
// Default: false
"require_phone_number": <Boolean>,

// Provide custom url in qr code when camera is not present or access is restricted
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