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User's Guide for Operation Requests
User's Guide for Operation Requests

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Ticket guide

A. Definition for Ticket properties:

Ticket Name: This is the name of the task you want to assign. Try to provide a brief explanation so the assignee can understand what you're referring to.
Example: If you want to assign a task from the campaign "Celebrate Town Hall event," name it as follows: "Celebrate Town Hall event/Buy balloon".
Requestor: the person who created the ticket. System adds this value automatically, so you cannot change it.
To Team: You will send this request to a specific team. You can also assign to multi team for their coherence in action.
Assignee: This is the person who will handle the task. You can also assign multiple people at once but please try to avoid that since it might end up confusing to all assignees. The mentioning function still can help the related member know about the task.
Priority: How quickly does this task need to be resolved? Please consider that this helps the assignee understand how to prioritize it. If it should be done on the same day as the assignment or within the next two days, mark it as "[Urgent]." Use "[Normal]" and "[Not Urgent]" for other timelines.
Expected Delivery: This is the deadline for when the requestor need the task to be completed.
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): This is the time the assignee estimates they can deliver the task. As a requester, please also take this into consideration if you notice that the assignee cannot finish the task within your expected timeline. Communicate with them; they might need your assistance to expedite the process.
Status: This is for the assignee to update the task's status.
Not Started: Assignee hasn’t started the ticket yet
In progress: Assignee is working on the ticket
Pending: After working a time, assignee stops to work on this ticket
Blocked: There are some stuck, that need someone else supports
Resolved: Assignee solved the ticket.
Done: The ticket is finished when the requestor confirmed.
Cancelled: The ticket was cancelled by the creator
Rejected: The ticket was rejected by the authority
Ticket Detail (Optional): Use this section if it's difficult to convey all the task information through its name alone. This is where you, as the requester, can help the assignee perform their job more effectively. The reward for this is achieving your KPIs. Suggestion: Use the CAR format, where: C stands for Context (provide background information), A stands for Action (describe what the assignee needs to do), and R stands for Result (explain how the result should look).
Attached File: Include any relevant attachments.
That's all! We hope you enjoy increased efficiency and transparency in your workflow from now on! Let’s discover how to use below.

B. Create a ticket


Step 1: Go to your team page
Step 2: Click on Create a new request from your team button
Step 3: Input Ticket Name, To Team (assigned Team), Assignee, Expected Date, Ticket Detail, set Priority, Attached file if any.

C. View my related tickets

Go to “My tickets” page, there are 4 parts:
Open tickets assigned to me: the tickets are currently assigned to me. Note: The Ticket name become RED if the ETA >= today.
My created tickets - Opening: the tickets which are created by you are still opening.
Done by me: the tickets which you solved - assigned to you and Status = Done.
My created tickets - Closed: the tickets which are created by you are closed.

D. Process a ticket

To open a ticket detail, hover mouse to a row and then click on Expand row icon
Use those features for process tickets:
Update Ticket name
Assign to a person
Set Expected Date
Update Status
Update Priority
Update ticket detail
Add comment and tag a person

E. View related team tickets

Go to the Team page, there are 4 parts:
Request to Team: the tickets are currently assigned to Team. Note: The Ticket name become RED if the ETA > today.

Team request other teams - Opening: the tickets which are created From Team are still opening.

Done by Team: the tickets which Team solved - assigned to Team and Status = Done.

Team request other teams - Closed: the tickets which are created by Team are closed.

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