
Hugi Asgeirsson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a sem orci. Nam sollicitudin orci id lectus lacinia, ac mollis erat convallis. Donec non tellus in libero porta interdum. In non ipsum purus. Aliquam porta, elit in auctor venenatis, metus tortor consequat orci, id fringilla massa arcu eu risus. Nunc sagittis tortor in varius ullamcorper. Sed dictum libero placerat tellus tempus laoreet. Duis vel lacinia diam, dapibus feugiat metus.
Morbi fringilla cursus nisi et tristique. Aliquam cursus lorem ut dolor suscipit blandit. Ut tincidunt odio velit, sed finibus urna bibendum eu. Praesent volutpat vitae dui in vehicula. Praesent porta felis nec porttitor ullamcorper. Suspendisse ultricies mauris non est pharetra, nec egestas magna sagittis. Morbi tincidunt vestibulum condimentum. Duis id varius eros.


Babel Between Us
A literary experiment where 18 writers and 9 ethnographers from all over the world, over the course of two years, wrote collaboratively. Babel was funded by the Swedish arts council fund Kulturbryggan and concluded in 2022. In collaboration with the BBU team.

Plato Project
Civil society can create third places in the city, co-created by citizens for citizens. To prevent places like these to fall victim to the relentless jaws of gentrification, they need better tools to communicate their project, values, and processes. In collaboration with Jakob Skote, Gustav Larsson, Jacob Karlsson, Maria Kling, Ragnar Lund, Ylva Björnberg and Diana Uppman.
@Participatory art event tools, co-creation and silk road networks

Participio Labs
Participio was a development lab within Edgeryders, funded by the Swedish arts council fund Kulturbryggan. Our purpose was to build experimental software and methodology for decentralized organizations and co-created culture. Everything built by Participio is open-source and free to use. Cobudget was one of the projects that came out of the Participio Labs.

World of Witness
Welcome to Witness - an open-source fictional world. This world is different from other fictional worlds, in that it pays a lot of attention to its economies, and makes its economies radically different from the one we live in. Witness is a giant floating city on planet Earth. It does not exist in reality, but it could. An Edgeryders project in collaboration with Yudhanjaya Wijeratne.

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