In the grand carnival of creativity, reminiscent of the unconscious desires expressed in dreams, various art projects compete for love and support. It is evident that, akin to the Libido, there is a finite reservoir of psychic energy to be bestowed. Not all dreams, whether they be the nocturnal visions of the Id or the creative aspirations at the Burn, can be realized in their entirety. Sometimes the reality principle, governed by the Ego, must intervene. Certain art projects, reminiscent of unfulfilled desires, do not amass the requisite minimum of funds to be brought into fruition. The Superego of the FREUD committee, functioning as a societal conscience, takes it upon itself to ensure that the psychic energy doesn’t remain trapped and is not put to waste. Funds are thus taken from dreams that have not reached the threshold and redistributed among others that are on the verge of attaining their material form.