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Making maps with PamPam
School of PamPam

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How to use custom fields and CTAs in your interactive map

Updated August 1st, 2024
You can create an interactive map for different scenarios. Custom fields allow you to customize map to whatever use case or scenario you have. Think of it like creating different map apps!
Here are some examples we like:
Real estate listings - Add a custom field for how much the listing costs
Events map - Add a custom field for the date, time.
Business directories - Add a custom button to link to each website, or to make a reservation
Store Locator - Add a custom field for the business type
Wedding map - Add a custom field
Collaborative map - Add who it was added by, and specific the description
Restaurant map - Specify the price

How to create an interactive map with custom fields in PamPam

Log in or click “Create from scratch”
Click “Make a map”
Open up the action menu by entering CMD + K on Mac, and CTRL + K on Windows. Or click “Add”.
Find the action “Edit fields”
The “Edit fields” is where you can:
Add custom fields and buttons
Hide certain fields like attribution, and more
Re-order your custom fields so you can get the appearance and layout you want
Add the custom fields that you want
Hide fields you don’t want
Click on the “eye” icon
Add custom buttons
You can have a single primary button, and a single “secondary” button

Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 2.54.09 PM.png
Edit Fields in PamPam to add your custom fields.

If you’re using a CSV, or Sheets import, here’s how to make sure your columns from your spreadsheet will be mapped to your map. In the import modal, you’ll see a list of all your fields in PamPam. In the dropdown you’ll see your spreadsheet columns. Make sure you match your spreadsheet column to the PamPam fields to have them update correctly.

Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 2.54.18 PM.png
Match your columns in PamPam to the columns in your spreadsheet

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