
Partner Playbooks > Comcast > Atlanta

Comcast Partner Playbook v1 (working)

Rodney presents [Date TBD]

Flowchart: Playbook to run post Comcast Lunch and Solution Presentation (working)

Follow-Up Playbook_ Rodney_Comcast Sales Field Lunches with Dates@2x.png

Timeline: Playbook to run post Comcast Lunch and Solution Presentation (working)

May 8: Rodney presents in Atlanta

@Matt Trifiro
I created these that Rodney could use in Atlanta. Let me know if I’m on the right track.

May 9: Email Follow-Up from Rodney:

Rodney will send a personalized email to each member of the Comcast Sales Team within 24 hours of the field lunch. This email could include:
Gratitude for their time and participation during the lunch and recap key discussion points and action items from the meeting.
Highlight the value of the partnership and reiterate the commitment to supporting their sales efforts and include contact info, etc.

May 12: Connect on LinkedIn:

Rodney (CRO) and Cole (CEO) should connect with each member of the Comcast Sales Team on LinkedIn keeping mind to:
Personalize their connection requests with a brief message referencing the recent field lunch and expressing interest in continuing the conversation.
Encourage Comcast sales team to engage with Rodney and the Cole's LinkedIn posts and share relevant content related to the partnership and vice versa

May 15: Schedule Follow-Up Meetings:

Rodney/Cole coordinate with key stakeholders from both and Comcast to schedule follow-up meetings or calls to dive deeper into specific topics discussed during the field lunch.
Set clear agendas and objectives for these follow-up sessions to ensure productive discussions and actionable outcomes.

May 17: Joint Webinar Collaboration:

Marketing proposes to create a joint webinar series with Comcast to co-promote Zero Gap AI and discuss potential topics and themes.
Highlight the benefits of hosting a joint webinar, such as expanding reach, showcasing expertise, and generating leads.
Collaborate with the Comcast Sales/Marketing teams to outline the webinar format, content, and target audience.

May 20: Provide Resources and Support:

Share relevant resources, such as product documentation, slides, case studies, demos (VR/Interactive Website), to support the Comcast Sales Team in their sales efforts (hopefully through the CBR!)
Offer the Comcast sales team assistance and guidance on navigating internal processes or addressing any challenges they may encounter.

[optional] Collaborative Buying Room (CBR):

Vapor marketing team could help Rodney to extend an invitation a Collaborative Buying Room (CBR), a dedicated area for seamless collaboration and information sharing between and the Comcast Sales Team and anyone else.
We’d be sure to highlight the benefits of the CBR, such as centralized access to resources such as sales enablement decks/content, real-time updates, and streamlined communication.

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