Teaching Unit (for year 1):
Digital skills
Responsible Teacher
Pedagogic Team
Aims of the teaching
The main objective of the course is to let students improve their skills in Python programming by solving physics problems, especially of electromagnetism and electrical circuits, and small data science problems, to prepare for the second quadrimester course dedicated to smart grids management.
Groups of 2 students are asked to program applications that implement and visually display the notions studied in the physics, mathematics, and electrical circuits courses (vector fields, electric and magnetic fields, motion of a particle in those fields, computation of voltage and current across a two-port and display on a phasor diagram).
A second part will be dedicated to the handling of graph libraries, time series management libraries, and plotting libraries to display electrical networks, plot load and production data, work with data and plot summary statistics, load duration curves, etc.
Intended Learning outcomes (measured by the assessment)
• Learn how to write a Python script to solve a basic scientific problem.
• Learn some Python libraries (numpy, matplotlib, pandas, networkx, scipy, pygame) that power system engineers and data scientists routinely use
• Learn to represent data graphically, especially time series data and graph data
• Remind basic notions of electrical circuits and sinusoidal steady state analysis: electric and magnetic fields, voltage and current, phasors, impedance, active/reactive/complex/apparent power, power factor, etc.
• Learn to extract information from raw data: compute summary statics and plots. Learn how to write a Python script to solve a basic scientific problem.
Learning activities and approach
Lectures (onsite)
Tutorials (onsite)
Useful information
Montefiore Institute, building B28, Allée de la découverte 10, 4000 Liège
Practical work equipment
Please bring your laptop. We will install the necessary tools at the beginning of the first day.
Other information
Assessment method
Projects during the week.
Basics of Python coding.
Related literature