A template to add a random ice-breaker question to your meeting.
Want to kick-off your meeting with some fun? Ready to get to know the different dimensions of people in your team? Use this Coda template to break the ice in your meeting!
on your Coda workspace (with “Add to an existing doc” setting)
At the start of your meeting, invoke /Ice-breaker Generator to generate a question for the team
Check-out the Freezer if you’d like to customize your questions
Lastly, delete this blurb so that it doesn’t show up in your doc!
Ready to get to know your team better? Select a category to generate an ice-breaker question (”blank” for any category), then get a random question for everyone to break the ice!
Select question category:
Get New Ice-breaker
What was your favorite trip you went on?
There are no rows in this table
This is the bank of all Ice-breaker questions. Want to roll your own list of questions? Copy this doc and change the list of ice-breaker questions to your liking. Do remember to “Collapse” on the Freezer section, otherwise it’ll occupy your whole doc!