
Product Brief on Acid Template

The Product Brief (on Acid)-aka PBA-is a central framework that’s distilled the most essential product information in a brief that can be applied for iterative applications across sales, marketing, and customer success materials.

Product Description

Write a one or two sentence description of your product or feature.
Example: Asana is the project management platform where you can create and manage project’s tasks status, progress and assign each task among team member as well as syncing to each member calendar.

How it Works

You should be able to describe how your product or feature works in three-five steps. Then list which features are essential for the user to complete each step.
Step One.
Step Two.
Step Three.
Create your project board, tasks , goals and status bucket
Assigned each tasks with details, deadline to team members and track status/progress
Manage and monitor task in different views or connect to other apps (Tablaue, PowerBI, etc)
Key Features
Project board management
Task card
Team member tagging
Task status update
Calendar syncing
Open API
Workflow management
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Target Audiences

Who is your target user or target buyer? Sometimes they are the same, but sometimes (mostly in B2B), the person using the product can vary from the person who signs the contract for purchase.
User Personas
Product/Project Manager (leader)
Software Developer/Engineer (workforce)
Designer (workforce)
Sales manager (workforce)

Buyer Personas
VP of Sales
Director of Sales
Head of Product Development

Key Indicators

Identifying how to measure success of your product is always a challenge.
Ultimate desired outcome: what’s the ultimate objective for your target user? (i.e: increase revenue, save time, improve efficiency)
Ultimate desired outcome: Help company improve average revenue per employee (Higher product/project team efficiency and productivity → More product/projects delivery for the same duration → More revenue from customer → More ARPE )
Use Cases: Your use cases should be measurable value propositions that a user can benefit from in more than one way (aka use case).
Value Proposition #1: Reduce Project Management time
Customer Performance Indicator: create a metric that a user would track to determine success to meet their objective.
Customer Performance Indicator: Time spent in managing each project
List your external key indicators/metrics that measure success for your use case
40% reduction in project delivery time
45% reduction in time required to manage and follow up project tasks
90% decreased in stress of project/product manager
Value Proposition #3: Data pull to third-party report application
Customer Performance Indicator: create a metric that a user would track to determine success to meet their objective.
Customer Performance Indicator: Time spent in report preparation
List your external key indicators/metrics that measure success for your use case
40% reduction in report preparation
20% reduction in report errors
Value Proposition #2: Increase project/product delivery qualities
Customer Performance Indicator: create a metric that a user would track to determine success to meet their objective.
Customer Performance Indicator: # of errors in performance indicator monitoring
List your external key indicators/metrics that measure success for your use case
60% decrease in project errors
80% decrease in team members assigned to repetitive tasks.
50% time reduction in project progress report preparation

Use Cases

This is a way to help you break down all the ways your core value propositions and provide sufficient context.
Use case 1 : Reduce Project Management Time
When there are too many tasks where each tasks could be dependent of each other, along with multiple team members, I want to accurately assign those tasks to my team, know how proactively they work on each tasks so that I can effectively manage my project and deliver output on schedule.
Use case 2 : Increase project/product delivery qualities
When I work on multiple complicate project, I want the tools that can help me make sure every team members are on the same page and well-aware of the goal we’re heading towards and know exactly when something seems not going well and I should jump in to assist so we can finish project on time with minimum errors.
Use case 3 : Data pull to third-party report application
When I need to present project progress to my boss, I want to tool that can automatically recorded progresses in the well-formatted report so that I don’t have to spend much time preparing reports for my boss.
Use case 1 : Reduce Project Management Time
List all the features that apply to this use case.
Project board management
Task card
Team member tagging
Calendar Syncing
When [I have a pain point], I want [solution] so I can [achieve my customer performance indicator]
When there are too many tasks where each tasks could be dependent of each other, along with multiple team members, I want to accurately assign those tasks to my team, know how proactively they work on each tasks so that I can effectively manage my project and deliver output on schedule.
Pain Points
What are the current frustrations and pains your target user is currently experiencing?
Confusion of who responsible for which tasks.
Unaware of the tasks progress.
Getting nervous of unable to delivery project on time.
Mess up with tasks follow up.
Having to fill in calendar manually.
Being perceives by team member as unprofessional and unorganized.

Pain Relievers/Solutions
What are some technical solutions to alleviate your user’s pain?
Clear, organized and flexible task assignment to team members.
Timeline indication specify tasks that need special attention.
Allow precise task management with minimum effort.
Value Propositions
What is the value/gains the user can receive from your product's solutions?
Assign tasks to team member faster
Fully aware of project status
require minimum mental energy for project governance
Performance Indicators
What metrics can you use to measure the impact of your value propositions?
40% reduction in project delivery time
45% reduction in time required to manage and follow up project tasks
90% decreased in stress of project/product manager
Product Transformation
Whats the product vision for how your product helps your user achieve their ultimate goals?
-Usually product/project manager spend more than half of their working hours on the house keeping work such as managing task, following up team members, instead of spending time one high-level project vision and risk management.

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