
Lumanu Ambassador Program Onboarding

Onboarding Checklist

Accepted email invite to Lumanu VIP Slack group
Set up introductory call with Bri at Lumanu (should only take ~15 min)
Sent media kit to

Contact information

Your main contacts at the company will be Haley Omick and Bri Springs
Contact email:
Slack Application: You can either ping the #lumanu-VIPs Slack Group, or DM @Haley Omick directly

Instant EarlyPay Process

You are able to request Instant EarlyPay on any invoice immediately after being accepted into the Ambassador Program! You can follow the steps below to do so:
Submit your invoice
Request EarlyPay on your invoice within the Mobile App (see steps for requesting EarlyPay
Lumanu pays out your invoice
If the invoice is less than $5,000 and the due date is less than 120 days away, we will pay out the invoice immediately
If the invoice amount is >$5,000 or due date is >120 days out, we will request a copy of your executed contract. In these cases, we will ask for this information within 24 hours of your EarlyPay request, and process the payment within 48 hours.
Lumanu collects payment in one of two ways
Payor sends payment to Lumanu per payment information on invoices per usual
Payor sends payment directly to creator, who is then legally obligated to notify Lumanu, at which point Lumanu will ACH-pull from the payment from creator’s bank


What is Lumanu’s EarlyPay feature?

EarlyPay allows you to get cash on outstanding invoices before the due date for a small fee, so you don’t have to wait 30, 60, or 90 days for a brand to pay you.
The EarlyPay Process works by a Creator submitting an invoice via the Lumanu platform, and then requesting EarlyPay on the invoice. Our team reviews the request and determines whether or not the invoice is eligible. If the invoice is eligible, our Payment Operations team gets in touch with the client listed on the invoice to confirm that all deliverables are complete and invoice details are accurate. Once we receive that confirmation from the client, we take over ownership of the invoice and pay out the invoice from our end. Then, the client pays Lumanu rather than the Creator.

What is the EarlyPay fee?

The fee is dependent on your due date, but starts at 2.9% for invoices with a due date of Net 30.

How is the ‘Instant’ EarlyPay perk included in the Ambassador program different from your standard EarlyPay feature?

Instant EarlyPay is only available to creators we have thoroughly vetted and trust.
With Instant EarlyPay, we completely remove the step of reaching out to the client listed on the invoice to confirm deliverables and invoice details. After requesting EarlyPay on an invoice, your invoice will be paid by the Lumanu team within minutes. No more waiting until Lumanu receives that confirmation email from your Client.

What happens if my Client pays an Instant EarlyPaid invoice outside of the Lumanu platform?

Just reach out to the Lumanu team and let us know. We totally understand that you can’t always control how a brand or agency processes payment. If you are paid directly by your Payor after the Lumanu team has already paid your invoice, you can either Zelle the extra funds to , or we can debit the funds from your account.

What if my Client insists on following their company process, and won’t accept my Lumanu invoice?

No worries! You can still send an invoice through the Lumanu platform, and let your client know that you created the invoice for personal finance tracking purposes. With that invoice created via Lumanu, you can still receive Instant EarlyPay and then follow your client’s typical payment process.
If your invoice was Instant EarlyPaid, please reach out to the Lumanu team and let us know that the brand will not be paying the invoice via Lumanu. From there, you can either Zelle the extra funds to , or we can debit the funds from your account.

What if the due date I entered in for an Instant EarlyPaid invoice is not accurate?

We understand that mistakes happen. The first time a due date mistake happens, there will be no penalty! If we see reoccurring due date mistakes, we will ask that you cover the difference of the fee between the original invoice and what the new fee will be with the updated due date. (The EarlyPay fee is dependent on the invoice. Invoices with Net 30 terms have a 2.9% fee, and the fee goes up from there).
Please make sure to validate your invoice's due date to the best of your ability. Having an incorrect due date negatively impacts our process. If you need help finding the due date in your contract, please let our team know.

Why did I get an invite to Lumanu’s Slack group?

You received an invite to our Lumanu-VIPs slack channel, which is used to -
Make you aware of product updates / new features
Request Product Feedback
You can also feel free to use this Slack access to DM Haley Omick directly regarding any feedback, issues you’re having with the app, questions, etc.

How do I refer brands or agencies to the Lumanu platform?

Please send an introductory email through to Haley ( Haley will then hand off the interested Brand or Agency to the appropriate person at Lumanu!

How does the Creator referral process work?

To refer other Creators to the Lumanu platform, you will simply send them your custom sign-up link sent to you via the Program Acceptance email. Once your referral has their first invoice paid out via the Lumanu platform, you will receive a $75 bonus.
Worth noting that the bonus will not be automatically applied to your account - we manually review referrals on a monthly basis and push bonus’ over to you accordingly.
If you have a referral that didn’t sign in via your custom link, please reach out and let us know! We are still happy to honor that referral.
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