Change the start and end dates below to calculate the number of weeks between the dates.
Start date:
Mon, Jan 6, 2025
End date:
Fri, Feb 28, 2025
How to calculate the number of weeks between two dates
To calculate the number of weeks between two dates, start by counting the number of days between the start and end date. Then, divide that number by 7 days per week.
(Start date - End date) / 7 days per week = Weeks between two dates (with decimal)
(3/15/2021 - 3/2/2021) = 13 days
13 days / 7 days per week = 1.857 weeks
Then, convert the decimal point into a number of days. It’s much easier to understand 1 week 6 days than it is 1.857 weeks:
RoundDown(Start date - End Date) / 7 days per week = # of weeks