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Blog Post Project

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Check List For Blog Posts

The checklist serves as a policy guide for the SEO team, offering explicit direction on the key elements that must be incorporated into a blog post to enhance its readability. This guidance aims to enhance the visual appeal of the blogs, thereby leading to improved ranking.

Title Examples:
Social Media for Law Firms: A Simple Guide
Law Firm Marketing Strategies That Work in 2023
Lead Generation for Lawyers in 2023: 5 Quick Tips
23 Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing Ideas For Beginners in 2023
Article By
Author’s name and picture
Last Updated
Month date, Year
Table Of Content
Word Count For Blog
1500 to 3500 words
Paragraph Size
A large paragraph (90 words or more) is usually accompanied by a relatively smaller paragraph or visual aid/picture
35 to 60 words per paragraph
How do they break paragraphs?
Completing an idea within a paragraph and briefly introducing what is to be discussed in the next paragraph in the last line
Use small transitional paragraphs between two large paragraphs
Bullet Points
For reference to go
For reference to go
For reference to go
Custom images
Describing content of a paragraph in a compiled manner
For reference to go
Google Searches
For reference to go
Social Media Posts
For reference to go
General pictures
For reference to go
Video (tutorials/discussions)
For reference to go
Explaining a process using pictures
Visual representation of each step when describing a process
For reference to go
For reference to go
Snapshots of lists
For reference to go
Synopsis of author
Name + brief introduction
Call to action
Calendar link (widget)
Link to form on website (embedded in the text)

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