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Project: A Company Directory

We will start by creating a simple company directory to begin with to introduce you to Glide and some of it’s features.

You’ll learn how to

Create your spreadsheet database
Create your app
Adjust your app’s layout
Add features to your app
Adjust your app appearance
Adjust your app info
Publish your app

What you will need

A Glide account
A Google account

Lesson 1: Introduction to Glide

Glide is one of the simplest No Code platform to use. If you can use a spreadsheet you can create an amazing application without adding any additional functionality. All the logic for the app is contained in your spreadsheet. Glide gives the spreadsheet data a beautiful interface for you and your customers to interact with.
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 12.16.56.png

Lesson 2: Creating a spreadsheet

Start by logging into your Google account and create a new Google spreadsheet
Rename your spreadsheet “Company Directory”
Rename that tab “Profiles”
Add headers in each cell of the first 4 columns and shown in the image below. (headers categorise information and makes it easy for Glide to distinguish different types of data).
Add sample data to the first couple of rows*

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 14.18.31.png
*When adding a image you need to upload an image in , right-click on it, then click Get sharable link and make sure that anyone with the link can view.
You can access a template of the spreadsheet

Lesson 3: Creating a new Glide App

Log in to Glide with the same Google account you created the spreadsheet in.
Select new app
Select your “Company Directory” spreadsheet

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 13.07.29.png

Lesson 4: Adjusting your app’s layout

Under the layout menu in the properties bar on the right select “cards” in the style section.
2. Under the data section in the properties bar on the right, map the spreadsheet columns to Glide’s headers.
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 14.16.49.png
3. Under the design section, change the image size to “2:3 (vertical)”, size to half-size, card style to outline.
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 14.20.21.png

Lesson 5: Adding features to your app

Under the features menu in the properties bar on the right select “position” in the in=app filter section (This allows users to filter data)
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 14.22.09.png

Lesson 6: Allowing users to add data

Under the add menu in the properties bar on the right select allow users to add items.
On on submit action select add row from the dropdown menu.

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 14.35.12.png

Lesson 7: Creating a new tab

Create a new tab in the spreadsheet
Rename the tab “Companies”
Create header columns “name” and “description” as shown in the image below
Add sample data as shown in the image below
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 15.57.40.png
You can access a template of the spreadsheet

Lesson 8: Adding a new tab

On the left menu panel select tabs
Once tab option is selected, in the right menu panel select the “+” icon to add a new tab
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 16.07.51.png
3. Select the new tab
4. Rename the page “Companies” in the label column
5. Change the source to “Companies”
6. Change the icon to something more suitable from the default icon
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 16.33.20.png
7. Return to the layout tab on the menu panel on the right
8. Remove the image icon by removing the image data input and deselecting show title when image is not available
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 16.41.15.png

Lesson 8: Adjusting your app’s appearance

Select the settings tab from the panel menu panel on the left
Select appearance from the panel on the right
Select an accent colour
Select a theme
Select a font from typography

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 16.47.47.png

Lesson 9: Adjusting your app info

From the menu panel on the left select settings
Select app info from the panel on the right
Give your app a name
Type the author of the app
Upload your app icon
Create an app description

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 16.52.12.png

Lesson 10: Publishing your app

Select publish at the top of the workspace
Select publish app at the popup dialog
Create a name for your app in the app link input bar

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 16.58.45.png


You have completed your first app. You can view our completed version

If you’re using a free version of Glide you’ll be unable to enable tablet mode so when users visit your URL on a desktop or tablet, your app will look like the image below.
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 17.07.45.png
On Mobile, when users visit your app in the browser it will appear like a native application in the images below. Users will even be prompted to add the app to their phone home screen.

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Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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