Description: This activity begins with McIntosh’s “Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” and extends conversations around privilege to help students gain a deeper understanding of the concept.
Keywords: Privilege/Precarity
Connected Reading: McIntosh, “Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”
Description: This activity introduces students to the variables used in algorithms that determine sentence length, probation, and parole. Students are asked to create their own algorithms while avoiding systemic bias.
Description: In this activity students explore the ways they define their own race and consider the aspects of their racial identity that they notice the most.
Description: This activity introduces students to the concept of othering and explores the ways we use others lives to further our own needs and ideas.
Description: In this activity students explore the role of implicit bias in American society in the context of the U.N. calling out the continued existence of racist structures.
Keywords: Privilege/Precarity, Legacy of Slavery, Criminal Justice