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GroundOS Docs 2.0

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How does GroundOS market my listings?

Getting the word out
GroundOS is committed to helping our partners maximize the exposure of their listings utilizing a variety of digital marketing tactics.
Using this cross channel strategy results in listings reaching wide and diverse audiences who are interested in expanding their operations, acquiring hunting ground for the upcoming season, or adding to their asset portfolio.
More reach equals more closed listings.
GroundOS’s social media tactics help grow your personal brand online. As your land professional following grows, so will the number of inbound leads that recognize you as a leader in the space and your book of buyers and bidders ready to bid on any and all of your listings.

1. Email notifications

GroundOS notifies all users of the GroundOS platform, of your associated whitelabel, and of CommonGround who have indicated they have an interest in the type of property you listed via email. Emails include new listing announcements as well as auction closing reminders. An example of such an email is shown below. Your organization’s logo will sit at the top of your emails and the “View Listing” link will drive users to your whitelabel website.

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2. Social media

All listings are posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn through organic and paid ads. These ads include listing announcements and auction end countdowns. Brokerage and agent partners are encouraged to create their own social posts and share on personal and business pages.
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3. Programmatic ads

Your listings will be advertised through a programmatic ad campaign targeting individuals outside of the GroundOS ecosystem who have an interest in the specific listing type. Programmatic advertising is a software which automatically handles the placement of ads and utilizes data to better serve the ads accurately, efficiently and at scale. This digital marketing tactic places your ads on sites frequently visited by interested parties, ensuring that your properties are seen by the right audience.

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