LLL - Life Long Learning

E-mail to Per

Dear Per,
Please find below information requested information regarding Ultrasound course in a format of LLL.
Please also reserve some spots for 3 more courses that Jonassons Centrum for Medical Imaging is currently formulating.
Potentially we will have seria of 4 courses dealing with Ultrasound, MRI, CT and Image processing…
My part related to Ultrasound is already finalised and ready to start basically from today.
Course name:
CM2019 Ultrasound 7,5 hp
Advanced BioMedical Imaging Technologies: Fundamentals and Applications of Ultrasound
Size of the course: no of Hp/ECTS credits
Current course: 7,5 hp
3 modules 1,5 hp each total max 4,5 but can be taken separately and individually as a stand alone module.
s a final examinational moment for the module : 1 written report (max 3 pages) and oral 15 minutes defence of the report.
Planned period: starting and finishing date
P4 (but can be given any time of the year on request)
Eligibility: What are the necessary demands on previous learning or experience for the students to be able to take the course?
Proposition for LLL:

Mode of teaching and localization: eg distance learning/Flemingsberg/Albanova
Proposition for LLL:
Blended learning (i.e. flipped classroom and on-site
Type of examination:
Proposition for LLL:
s a final examinational moment for each 1,5hp module : 1 written report (max 3 pages) and oral 15 minutes defence of the report.
Number of places: max and min – your suggestion
Proposition for LLL:
max 36 students
min 4 students
Primary target group: Will not be displayed, but is a part of the evaluation
Proposition for LLL:
Target audience:
From the healthcare providers / hospitals:
Medical technology engineers (Medicine Teknik Avdening), Radiologists, Sonographers, Nurses, Service personal for ultrasound equipment
From the industry:
Technical specialists in ultrasound, R&D engineers, Sales persons working with ultrasound, Product specialists from different vendors
From academia:
Academic exchange of the expertise and experience on different level including Teachers, PhD students, Technicians
From the government authorities:
Specialists working with regulations and standardisation of Medical Equipment.


Grishenkov Dmitry, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Docent in Medical Technology
Vice-director of The Jonasson Centre for Medical Imaging
Programme Director of M.Sc. in Innovative Technology for Healthy Living
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems
Hälsovägen 11C
SE 141 57 Huddinge
Tel.: +46 8 790 97 20
Mob.: +46 73 460 74 07
On 6 May 2021, at 12:42, Per Dalhammar <perda@kth.se> wrote:

English below
KTH har i uppdrag att öka utbudet fristående kurser främst för yrkesverksamma.
Vi skall nu från CBH tala om vad vi avser att erbjuda under våren 2022. Om du ser att du har möjlighet att ingå i detta, vill vi gärna ha ditt förslag. I de fall nya kurser behöver inrättas, så kan det göras efter att beslut om att kursen får ges har tagits.
En kurs kan vara x antal platser för fristående kursstudenter på en ordinarie kurs som redan är planerad att ges. Ännu hellre, kan kursen utgöras av del av en ordinarie kurs, där deltagande gärna får vara helt eller delvis på distans. Detta för att lättare möjliggöra för en yrkesverksam person att delta på deltid. Lämplig storlek på en sådan modul kan vara 1,5 – 4hp. Kurser på antingen mycket grundläggande nivå, eller kursinnehåll nära forskningsfronten är extra lämpliga.
Det vi behöver från dig är en kort beskrivning under nedanstående rubriker. Dessa behöver vi ha senast den 31/5 till adressen Ange LLL i ämnesraden.
Kursen namn:
Kursens omfattning: antal hp
Tänkt läsperiod: start och slutdatum
Särskild behörighet: Vilka nödvändiga förkunskaper skall man visa att man har för att kunna tillgodogöra sig kursen?
Undervisningsform och studielokalisering: ex vis distans/Flemingsberg/AlbaNova
Typ av examination:
Antal platser: max och min – ditt förslag
Huvudsaklig målgrupp: Kommer inte synas externt, men utgör underlag för bedömning
KTH has been given the task to increase the number of single courses offered to the public, primarily to those already working.
We, at CBH, should now give a suggestion for course offerings for the spring semester 2022. If you see that you have the opportunity to be part of this effort, we would very much like to have your suggestion. If it is the case that a new course has to be established, this can be done after the decision that the course can be given has been taken.
A course offering could be that a number of places in an already existing course is opened up for the general public. Even better, a sub part of an already existing course, to which participation can be totally or partially from a remote location. This would probably make it more possible for someone who is already working to participate. Modules in the range 1.5 – 4 hp has been recommended. Course content, either on a very basic level, or content close to the forefront of research is extra attractive.
What we need from you is a short description organized under these headings. We need these by May 31st, sent to the address Write LLL in the subject.
Course name:
Size of the course: no of Hp/ECTS credits
Planned period: starting and finishing date
Eligibility: What are the necessary demands on previous learning or experience for the students to be able to take the course?
Mode of teaching and localization: eg distance learning/Flemingsberg/Albanova
Type of examination:
Number of places: max and min – your suggestion
Primary target group: Will not be displayed, but is a part of the evaluation
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