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The State of AI
The State of AI

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Text generation has been one of the most accessible and widespread uses of AI so far, so it’s no surprise that there have been great advancements here. In 2022, I asked ’s GPT-3.5 to “write a Jimmy Kimmel opening monologue about the Oscars.” What it created was stilted and generic, with lazy references (Kimmel would be ashamed!) Fast forward to 2024, and Google’s generates a speech that sounds much more like Kimmel, with topical references and jokes that genuinely made me laugh.

Prompt: “Write a Jimmy Kimmel opening monologue about the Oscars.”

Generated by GPT-3.5 (Nov 2022)
[Jimmy Kimmel walks onto the stage amidst applause]
Jimmy Kimmel: Thank you, thank you! Welcome to the Oscars, where we celebrate the best of the best in Hollywood... or as it's now known, "The Place Formerly Known as Hollywood." [audience laughter]
Jimmy Kimmel: Yes, it's that magical time of the year when we gather to honor the movies that made us laugh, cry, and wonder if we'll ever look as good as Brad Pitt when we're in our 50s. Spoiler alert: we won't. [audience laughter]
Jimmy Kimmel: Tonight, we're here to celebrate cinematic excellence, or as some people call it, "that thing Netflix does between binge-watching sessions." [audience laughter]
Jimmy Kimmel: And speaking of Netflix, they've got quite the presence here tonight. In fact, they're the reason half of us didn't leave our couches last year. So, thank you, Netflix, for keeping us indoors and pasty white. [audience laughter]
Jimmy Kimmel: Of course, we can't forget about the pandemic. Remember when we thought it would only last a few weeks? Yeah, turns out it lasted longer than most celebrity marriages. [audience laughter]
Jimmy Kimmel: But hey, despite all the challenges, we still managed to make some incredible films. And tonight, we're going to celebrate them like it's the last party before the apocalypse. Which, let's face it, it might be. [audience laughter]
Jimmy Kimmel: So sit back, relax, and get ready for a night of glitz, glamour, and more celebrity selfies than you can shake a selfie stick at. Because tonight, anything is possible... except for Leo finally winning that damn Oscar for playing a walrus. Sorry, Leo, maybe next time. [audience laughter]
Jimmy Kimmel: Alright, let's get this show on the road! Enjoy the Oscars, everybody! And remember, if you don't win tonight, there's always next year... unless you're Meryl Streep. In that case, there's always next week. [audience laughter]
Generated by Gemini 1.0 Ultra (Feb 2024)
Jimmy: "Well, folks, we did it again. We're back for another night of Hollywood patting itself on the back! I mean, let's be honest, the only thing longer than some of the movies nominated tonight is the time it takes to read the full list of producers.
Speaking of long movies, anyone catch 'Avatar: The Way of More Water'? Apparently, James Cameron filmed so much footage they're releasing the next three sequels simultaneously – you buy a ticket, and you're basically committed for the next 12 hours.
And hey, a huge congratulations to all the nominees tonight! Especially those lucky enough to be in categories that make the actual broadcast. Thoughts and prayers to the documentary short folks, just doing incredible work nobody will ever see.
Of course, this year, we have the elephant in the room. Or rather, the slap NOT heard around the world. Look, Will, it's okay, everyone makes mistakes. Chris has moved on – he's too busy counting the money he made from his sold-out comedy tour.
But seriously, I can't believe we're still talking about this. We got bigger problems to worry about – like trying to understand the plot of 'Everything Everywhere All At Once'. Did I like it? I have no idea, but my hot dog fingers sure looked cool!
Anyway, enjoy the show, try not to think about the mortgage payments all these tuxes could cover, and let's just hope nobody gets inspired to deliver a five-fingered acceptance speech this year. Back to you, Hollywood!"

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