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Environments 2 - Synced to students

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Welcome to Environments 2

Your Environment teachers

Gilles De Regge

Dries Deryckere

Practical Information

Come prepared. Make sure to come to every class. This drastically increases your chances of passing.
Class content related and feedback questions are meant to be posed in class! If you have questions that don’t relate to either of these (e.g. sickness, assignment not visible, etc) then don’t hesitate to mail us all. You can target your specific question at someone but, please add the rest of the teacher team in CC.
Make asking questions a sport and never hesitate to ask! We do require you to think a little before you pose a question, however in order to be more active with the school content, you can engage yourself more by constantly thinking of what you might be overlooking.
Back up your files! Every year students lose a lot of time of precious work because they didn’t have backups. Do not be that student. You have a lot of space on your OneDrive granted through your school mail. Use it!
We use Trello! Update your card every week during lab classes. ​Never clean up your card or delete old posts, teachers use your card as your worklog.
45% of the grades is on assignments, the other 55% is on the exam.
Pay attention to naming conventions, handing in on time, specifics of assignments. Muy importante.
RAT-principle: When encountering a problem → first Research yourself. → then you can Ask fellow students. → if not solved yet, you can ask Teachers.
If you find interesting videos, documents, papers, etc.. → Let me know, so I can add them to the handy links, we all keep learning.

Software to install

Mandatory: Unreal Engine 5.3
Also install Maya/Max/Blender & Substance Painter


Grading is split up in assignments and the exam.
45% of grades go to assignments.
55% of grades go to the exam.
Submit your assignments on time. Outside the exam all assignments will fall on a Sunday evening at 22:00. We have general rules and will be very strict with people who hand late:
Between 1 and 10 min late = -1 on your total score.
Between 10min and 2 hours late = -2 on your total score.
Later than 2 hours late = a total score of 0.
Read your assignments well.
Respect naming conventions.
Look at the work planner and plan

Covered material

Realistic lighting & composition
Vegetation & nature
Dynamic and baked lighting
The rendering pipeline
Material blending
Modular workflow

Practice and more practice

People aren’t born with the ability to make game assets. To succeed in making nice game art you need practice. Rome was not built in a day, and neither are your environment skills, so practice.
Second to that, asking a lot of feedback is a surefire way to be on the right track. The sooner you ask feedback, the earlier we can help you correct course to a nice result.

Why practice alone when you can join one of our guilds!

The Hardcore Surface Guild - Hardsurface Guild Community link: Chair: Handles hard surface related art topics while using a multitude of apps, tools and techniques. Hard surface consists of solid, non organic objects such as buildings, vehicles, weapons, tools, etc.
The Forge - Unreal Engine Guild Community link: Chair: The Forge offers a community for everything Unreal, from deep delving into C++ to making the most fantastical environments.
ZGuild - 3D Characters GuildCommunity link: Chair: The guild for cooperatively learning to create real-time 3D characters. Join for the daily sculpts and weekly meetups where different aspects of Triple-A character creation are explored.
Camelot - The Sound Guild Community link: Chair: A group of passionate audiophiles who strive to inspire or help people in the art of sound. Everything to do with creating, manipulating or implementing sound is welcome in this community.
The Mage's Tower - FX and Simulations Guild Community link: Chair: Explores everything related to effects in games and film. Here you can find a passion for creating amazing effects and simulations, real-time or rendered, in any software.
The Sandbox - Game Makers' Guild Community link: Chairs: ; ; ; ; The Sandbox is a playground for everything related to game design and development. Create prototypes, get your games reviewed and learn amongst your peers.

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