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Environments 2 - Synced to students

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Week 06: Camera, portfolio, learning


Check this: You can also have a look at this to get inspired:


Look up portfolio’s that you spark your interest, the things you want to create. (around 3) You can ask yourself these questions:
What do I want to make?
What am I passionate about?
Do I want to go stylized or realistic?
Do I like more organic stuff or hardsurface stuff?
And many more questions...
Either what your outcome is going to be, one thing is super important: YOUR LIGHTING
Example below. Look at these 3, while they do more or less the same job, they all have their own style.

Hardsurface artist


Lifelong learning

Some mindful sentences:
World keeps changing, so do your skills.
Don’t be afraid of learning/change.
Be curious and willing to fail.
Develop a GROWTH mindset.
Don’t find time, make time!
Break down problems.
It is more about liking the process then liking the achievement/end result.
Do it now!
Look these up:
SMART goals
Eisenhower matrix
Fun video:
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.