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Environments 2
Environments 2
Environments 2
Week 05: Baking alternatives
The baking we have seen last week, was baking with the CPU. You also have a baking system with the GPU, called GPU Lightmass.
Sidenote: When you are installing GPU Lightmass, Unreal will need some time to start up.
GPU Lightmass
Read the manual here:
Also have a look at this:
Some general pointers for GPU Lightmass:
In regards to the CPU, this one works well/better with using a skylight for your ambient light.
You will also need to convert BSP’s to static meshes for GPU Lightmass.
When you have converted the BSP:
Set ‘Source Lightmap index’ to 0.
Set ‘Destination Lightmap index’ to 1.
Check the lightmap coordinate index. (set to 1)
Check the lightmap resolution.
Can be handy to reduce Raytracing effects. (see documentation)
Make sure that your GI method is set to ‘None’.
Make sure that your RHI is set to ‘DirectX 12’.
Turn off ‘Realtime’ → It will bake faster.
Turn these three on as well. (Support Virtual Textures)
‘Use first bounce ray guiding’ (GPU Lightmass setting)→ can be handy for our scenes.
Did you know that ‘Indirect Light Intensity’ value can be changed in the Post Process Volume, without you having to rebake everything? 😉
GPU Lightmass
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