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About me

My name is Gavriel Sharabi and I am a UX designer, content strategist, and boxer.

Currently freelancing digital experiences, and have previously designed websites, apps, and marketing content for clients scaling their businesses and developed strategies for community building.

In addition, I have 5+ years of experience in the fitness industry, managing gym sales and leading teams as head coach, while also training celebrities, athletes, and weekday warriors.
Let’s rewind to 2019.
At the time, I was working full-time as a fitness trainer in Miami and studying for my bachelors in International Business at FIU. I was feeling burnt-out in the same daily routines, and looked to get exposed to new and more creative possibilities.
I got introduced to design through who just started her career as a UX Designer. Hearing her speak with a strong passion about how she confronts and solves problems through a mix of ideation, psychology, and research, made me ask myself:
“What is possible through design?”
This led me to delve into Human-Centered Design. It lit a fire in me as I started to develop the understanding that every single solution to problems humans encountered all culminated in the process of design. Furthermore, what makes certain solutions stand out are how well they relate to our human condition.
Kindness is my mission.
Being able to help others is a gift. I believe great design allows us ways to create better solutions to other people’s problems.
Social Equality and Equality of Opportunity are some of the major problems we face in our modern times. I use the power of design to tackle these issues by designing better systems of education, infrastructure, and connectivity that allows people to harness tech and provide opportunities for a better, more equal life.

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