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Project scope of the foundr like mobile app

The scope of the project is to create an mobile app in iOS and android along with the required API for publishing the magazines and view it on the mobile phones.
Note that this scope is made as per the early assumption of the scope might change as the client requirement

Login to admin panel

User will be provided with an online login panel to upload the magazine with its control.

Uploading of the magazine

Admin will upload the magazine from the admin panel in the form of PDF. Admin can set its property as like whether this magazine is free or has paid subscription. Later publishing the magazine.

Link to download the APP from app store or play store

User will be given a link to download the app and install it on their phone.

Login and registration of the user

Once installed user can register and login to the panel to view the magazine

Downloading the Magazine to view

User can download the magazine and view the content of the magazine
magazine list.jpeg failed to upload

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