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License To Scale Incubator

Turn your unique 1:1 offer into a process that grows your income exponentially and brand internationally in an untapped way.

“We feel confident that Freddie is the market leader in what she does.”

We needed help with setting up our business so it was ready to franchise. Although we had purchased franchises in the past and were running a very successful business, we didn’t know how to structure or form our company so that it was scalable beyond our team. Freddie captured how we currently run our business and serve our customers to reliably get 5-star reviews and then helped us standardise and capture our unique processes and created an in-depth, ready-to-launch operations manual and handbook tailored to and a business that is now ready to roll out to potential franchisees across the UK. We found working with Freddie well worthwhile and feel confident that she is a market leader in what she does.
Joe Ellis, Owner of
You’re about to create a service that provides limitless opportunities and results for others and recurring income (without the headaches) for you!
You’re growing a business, helping more people have amazing results without having to build a team (that is expensive to find and tiring to manage).
You are serving more clients than ever without having to spend the time, money or effort on building huge audiences in different industries or geographies.
You’re replicating your proven and successful service blueprint in a high-profit, no-frills, down-to-earth way without working more and more hours.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, what if I told you that...

Globally, one in seven businesses across 300 different industries already operates in this way .
93% of units working this way in the UK reported profitability in a recent survey - with 40% saying they are ‘very’ profitable and 14% saying they are ‘highly’ profitable.
Recent studies have shown that businesses run this way have a success rate of about 90% while the success rate of businesses that are started from the ground up is only about 15%.
Although most owners of businesses operating in this way are men, between 2011 and 2017 female ownership jumped by 83% and is still growing.
A new business operating in this way opens every 8 minutes during the course of a single business day.

(Yep, told you🤣)
It’s just not in the Online Business World!

This magical thing I’m talking about is LICENSING.

I have spent years working in Franchising - both in franchisee businesses and with franchisors.
I fell in love with the idea of turning a successful and proven business model into a simple, logical and repeatable process that anyone could deliver once trained and build their own flourishing business.
BUT franchising doesn’t necessarily make sense in the online business world (where it’s not about being in a specific physical location or high set up costs), right?
It makes sense, however, to take YOUR tried-and-tested way to get incredible result for your clients and teach entrepreneurs in complimentary niches to deliver it for their clients!
This means you can impact thousands and thousands more lives with your unique experience and expertise WHILE empowering another entrepreneur to build their own version of freedom.

To get the LICENSE TO SCALE, you need to complete three stages

(with a lil’ help from Mr Bond. James Bond.)

(You’re welcome.)


The first stage is all about putting the foundations in place. It’s time to decide
which offer you want to scale (to start with);
who you ideally want to work with as licensees;
how closely you want to work with them; and
what your licensing proposition looks like.
The key to a successful licensee network, that is loyal and engaged, is a clear proposition and the support needed for them to reliably deliver for their clients and continuously grow their business.


In this stage, we turn your unique and proven 1:1 service into a simple, logical and repeatable model that anyone can implement and deliver once trained and qualified.
Removing YOU from your process!
We need to remove YOU from the success formula and translate your experience and skills into a process and assets that are scalable! We’ll also map out all the templates, assets, resources and tools that your future licensee will need to create amazing client experience and capture the content.


Rolling our sleeves up and getting our hands dirty while you are enjoying the quiet before the perfect storm. We put everything in place so you’re ready to go and we’ll start with your funnel so you can build your new (B2B) audience while we shape up the rest.
This includes all the templates, assets, resources and tools we previously identified, plus the training program required to get new licensee’s ready and certified as well as their onboarding process, so it’s all smooth sailing from the start.
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What Happens When You Get The Licence To Scale?

☆ Make a REAL difference for your clients by enabling them to be supported on a 1:1 basis independent of your availability, their location or timezone by a someone qualified in delivering YOUR proven method.
☆ Position yourself as an authority in your space. Get clear on YOUR core expertise and how this can positively impact the end-client and create an opportunity for other business owners looking to grow their businesses.
☆ Create an additional income stream that builds your brand internationally and recurring revenue in your business that can grow exponentially (without exhausting launches several times a year).
☆ Grow a business without growing a team that’s difficult to find, expensive to hire and takes time to manage, when this is not what you wanted when you left the corporate world (because managing a team was the only way to ever climb that corporate career ladder and it really, really wasn’t for me).

As part of Licence To Scale, you get access to…

★ A half-day in-person or virtual intensive to kick off: Defining the vision your business should support, brainstorming and researching potential target audiences and mapping out the specifics around the service or offer you want to licence. We’ll also agree ways of working so it’s smooth sailing during our three months together.
★ Bi-Weekly Project Calls (your choice): I want you to always know where we are and have the time to ask any questions you may have as this new income stream evolves.
★ Tools and templates to capture your process: questionnaires or interviews to capture your process and private 1:1 time with me to assess what’s working, identify any gaps and potential points of failure so we can build the complete package.
★ My eyes on your complete package to launch your licence proposition: the blueprint, the training plan, the funnel to build your audience and a plan of how to onboard and launch your first licensees. You have the opportunity to submit content and collateral for review and feedback every week and I will get back to you within 48 hours.

Voxer Access: You get one full Voxer Day per month that you can schedule as is most convenient for you. Additionally, you can Voxer me a question each day, but I would ask you to give me 48 hours to get back to you (response times are almost instant on dedicated Voxer days).
★ Exclusive Early Access to the ‘Licence To Scale Mastermind’: As a client, you get early access to the Licence to Scale Mastermind once it launches to allow you to network and collaborate with other Coaches and Consultants with similar business models.

If By Some Small Chance You’re New Here You Should Know That

I’m A Quitter


Not in the way you think. I’m not a flake who’s always saying “Oh, I have to try THAT” and then buys all the gear, but has no idea.
No, I’m an efficient, deliberate quitter.
When I’m doing something that doesn’t add value or generate revenue, I quit.
Sending the same response to multiple email enquiries? I quit.
Spending hours scouring the internet for the perfect stock photos for my Instagram posts? I quit.
And of course, wasting time planning and re-planning my weeks and days, just for things to change and my plan to go out the window before I can hit ‘save’?Obviously, I quit.

Why am I telling you this?
Because I’m your perfect match: When everything gets too much for you, I get excited. Not because you’re suffering, but because I know exactly how to help. I know what you need to quit, and what you need to start doing instead. I can help you pinpoint exactly what you have to and should do.
And I’m not just a deliberate quitter, but also a badass operations designer.
YOUR operations designer.
I love systems, processes, procedures, blueprints, practical tools, and advice. I live for solutions, solving puzzles.
In your case, puzzles like:
“How do I grow my business but work less”?
“How can I go on holiday and still ensure my clients get the same experience when they book a call?”
“How can I start every day knowing exactly what I need to do — and focus ONLY on that?”
“How can I make my many ideas more manageable - I never know where to start when I get a spare hour?” or (and this is my favourite one)
“How can I scale this amazing service I have developed without the pressure of endless launches or without building a team.”

And I know, I know:
You’d never find “systems” and “processes” under LIKES on a Bumble profile, but I’m German.
To me? It’s sexy (=efficient).
And one thing I know for sure? No processes = no 7-figure business, no office with plush sofas and no network of licensees to go global with.
Lindi Conover-Thompson


You have a massive growth vision for your brand
Ever catch yourself dreaming of your logo flashing brightly on Times Square? Or running your (global) business from a poolside sun lounger in Muscat? Well… I do! I’m known for thinking big, but also for coming up with a plan and making it happen, so you better strap in for a wild ride!
You want direct, hands-on support
You’ve worked with ‘Consultants and Coaches’ who just handed you a set of templates before… and you don’t really want that again. Instead, you need someone to help you get the knowledge out of your head and into a simple, logical and repeatable process or there won’t be much for your future licensees to go on!
You need something that’s sustainable for YOU
You don’t want yet another coach or course giving you a blueprint that you then have to spend more time and money on to make it work for you. You want a tailored solution and the 1:1 attention on your business. You want someone that is willing to really get underneath YOUR business and business model.
It’s likely you’re reading this because you already know me
and you’ve been waiting for an offer like this.
You’re probably fed up with the never-ending talk of passive income, online courses and memberships because you know for a fact that the results your clients achieve are so much better when they work with you 1:1.
And you’re really not keen to put the pressure of planning and executing several launches a year on yourself or build a team just to manage the number of affiliates that you’d need to make serious money.
You want to grow a global business that makes game-changing money and not a team.
I can’t promise you that will happen.
But what I CAN promise you: I will help you define the process and create the tools you need to launch, I will put everything in place for you to succeed and I’m committed to being there with you every step of the way to make it happen...


One-off payment of $10,000 or 12 payments of $997

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