
Punishing Gray Raven Guide Compilation for New & Returning Players

By Flux Kairos

Welcome to PGR!

The game can be a bit daunting and overwhelming at first, but stick with it till the endgame of Babel Tower and Norman War, that is when the game really shines.
This guide has a lot of media, please wait for it to load completely.
This guide compilation will cover almost everything you need to know to make your journey to the endgame smooth.

Getting Started



PC Client:

Mistakes to Avoid

Do not pull on the wrong banner!
This is the biggest mistake beginners make.
Never pull on the “Fate” banner.
Make sure it says pity is 60 and you have selected the right character before pulling.
Don’t use your free S-rank selector before you reach S-Rank pity on the beginner or standard banner.
You want to avoid dupes and instead try to get as many good characters as you can for different elemental teams.
New players: You will have 40 pity on the standard banner.
Returning players: You will have 60 pity on the standard banner.
Never convert your Black cards to Blue cards. You get plenty of blue cards by logging in daily and finishing dailies & weeklies.
If you’re wondering which A-rank to select for the standard banner, here are my recommendations:
Vera Rozen & No.21, if you plan to choose Luna
Wanshi, if you plan to choose Plume
Liv Lux, if you have all three above
Don’t press “ESC” to accidentally quit your PC Client.
Don’t buy cogs or serum with BC.
Don’t waste your BC on dorm stuff. You can get most of it by just by playing daily and completing dorm missions.
Don’t forget to do your weeklies for BC. You can auto-clear most of them.
Don’t forget to farm co-op for 5* weapons if you need to. They give 150 5* weapon shards every week. You can exchange 450 to get any 5* weapon of your choice.
Don’t forget to join a guild when you are able to, so you can get access to guild game modes.
Don’t forget to do the guild missions, you only have to do them once a week.
This is your main source for hypertune materials and also a great source for Uniframe shards to get them to SS rank.
Don’t waste your resources.
Use them wisely on the characters you need to clear content.
Invest in your DPS characters for each elemental team first.
Do not buy any mats for BC from any shop.
Do not buy memories from Cogs Factory. It’s a waste of cogs and you’ll need a lot of them.
Don’t spend RC on skins you can buy in the coating shop for free.
Don’t forget to look up character guides.
There are usually lesser known mechanics and animation cancelling tricks in character video guides on Youtube. It could be the difference between loving or hating a character’s gameplay.
Don’t place your memories incorrectly and don’t waste hypertune materials on the top row for elemental characters.
Consult the guides mentioned in this compilation before purchasing, upgrading and hypertuning memories.
Don’t shy from experimenting with UI Layout and Keybinds.
At the endgame, what you might think is a skill issue might actually be a settings issue. Finding a playstyle that fits you is key to beating the toughest stages.
Don’t forget to turn on Manual Lock and Display Lock button settings.
QTEs and certain other skills don’t work properly on enemies that are far away without manual lock-on.
Do not forget to do Border Pact. The mode gives permanent buffs to all constructs.
Don’t forget to buy these in the Warzone shop when they reset and are priced at 800 & 1200. Don’t buy them at 2000.
Don’t waste your PPC skulls. Never spend them on A-rank constructs, you can farm their shards from Interlude. Use them wisely on the S-rank characters that really need SS.
You need 500 PPC skulls to get 30 shards of an S-Rank character.
Don’t waste your serum on resource and memory stages, unless you need to clear novice missions.
Use them on event stages instead so you can buy whatever you need from event shop. You can pretty much buy almost all memories you need in the event shop, but there’s also an exchange shop where you can exchange 6* memory shards for the memories you want. Make sure to buy the right position of the memory!
Don’t forget to use your serum and to spend all your event currency before they expire.
(That one time I touched grass for too long...💀)
Don’t waste Aura Chips. Use them for unlocking Speed Attack and Finishing Move skills of all of your Uniframes before upgrading any of their skills.
Don’t forget to do Operation Guardians.
Don’t forget to do daily missions of Recitativo di Fantasia.
You get a free S-Rank Selena Capriccio and an Ayla skin from farming the currency.
Don’t forget to claim the daily and weekly free serum in the top-up shop.
Don’t spend what you can’t afford. However, if you do want to spend, spend wisely.
Monthly passes are the most efficient purchase for light spenders and it’s a great way to support the devs.
You don’t have to spend any money on this game to be able to clear endgame content. I was f2p for a year and cleared all of endgame content before I started spending to support the devs.
Lastly, don’t forget to pat your constructs in the dorm.
They’ve earned it! :)

Beginner’s Guide for Progression

Follow this guide to level up quickly and unlock all the game mechanics asap.

Mentor System

I highly recommend finding a mentor. Completing mentor missions is one of the fastest ways to level up and you get very good rewards. Just make sure to find an active mentor.
You can look for mentors in the official PGR Discord server or in the Guild that you want to join. There are lots of mentors looking for active students.

Beginner’s Guides

Rexlent has a great playlist for beginners covering all the basics of the game.

Recommended PC Client Settings


You can now adjust Button Sizes by clicking on a UI component and adjusting the slider. Don't forget to save!
The 0 RC bug mentioned at the end is not a bug, the RC purchased from Play Store will not be visible on PC.

Which S-rank should you choose from the free selector?

I recommend Luna or Plume, but here’s an in-depth guide by Spider 2B on what to choose based on your roster:

Character Guides

Rexlent makes really good guides that simplify how to use every character. He has a great playlist of character guides:
Spider 2B also goes pretty in-depth with DPS rotations and team synergies. This is his playlist:

Boss Guides

There will eventually come a time when you encounter a boss and realize you have skill issue.
But don’t fret! Rexlent has a great playlist on how to beat most of the bosses:

Gray Ravens Website

Gray Ravens is a PGR Fansite officially supported by Kuro Games. It is the best source for most of the information you need about the game.
They cover a lot of information about character builds, patch notes, game modes, etc.
Keep this site bookmarked.

Guild Guides

You can look for guilds in the official PGR Discord. There are specific guild channels for each server where many guilds advertise.
Jayce Vu made a great guide on the guild system:
Offy makes great videos with optimized DPS rotations for Guild Battles and other game modes with trial characters. He usually puts the tips and recommendations at the end of his videos. Highly recommend checking his videos out! Here’s one of his Guild Battle videos:
Guild Expedition is a new mode that has many guilds confused.
There is no in-depth guide yet, but here’s a quick guide by Dustfly:


Guides and Tools

Border Pact Elemental Buffs and Debuffs Spreadsheet by Demondayo:
Elemental Damage Formula Explanation by Doomy:
Hidden Interlude Guide Playlist by Matt Ultima:
Resource Estimator Tool by WhytShadow#7977:
Keep an eye out for Demondayo's Event Shop Comparison Reddit posts. They're very useful for planning how to spend your event currency.
Pulling recommendations for F2P by Demondayo et al.
Global BC Planning Tool by Valkyrie - Great for planning out your pulling strategy based on BC income!
Construct Investment Tier list by Yuuna: ​
This link can't be embedded.
Golden Vortex Guide by 虚空来临
PGR Comprehensive Build Sheet by Doomy#0302 is especially great for knowing which CUBs to invest in.
CUBs Skills Priority sheet by Queso#1904 et al.
Resource costs for upgrades
In-depth Resource calculator tool by u/MikotoKiyomizu
Hypertune Resource calculation tool by #Lynx8810
NWe3 also has some good guides on team building, event store efficiency and SS & Signature weapon prioritization. ​
QTE Timings SpreadSheet by Atsushi~#1619
Spending efficiency sheet by Kirai#9641


Uniframes (AKA Transcendants or Compositors) are special units which have unlockable skills such as Speed Attack (dodge counter) and Finishing Move (execution). They are quite weaker than Omniframes, so I don’t recommend any F2P players to pull them even though they only cost 2500 BC for a copy. You’ll be provided with trial versions of Uniframes for the modes that require them, which are good enough to get all the rewards from the stages. Save your BC for upcoming Omniframes instead so you can invest in making your elemental teams of Omniframes stronger.
If you’re a returning player with good teams of Omniframes already and you want to pull for Uniframes, I suggest waiting for the upcoming 100% debut Uniframe banners. If you don’t want to wait, you can pull for Pulao or Roland for modes where you need to use their Speed Attack and Finishing Move. Though, I do not recommend it. If you already have some Uniframes, make sure to join a guild as you can buy Uniframes shards in the guild shop to take them to SS for free. It takes 2880 United Achievement Points to buy 30 shards of Uniframes, these can be farmed by doing the weekly guild activities and missions.
You will, however, eventually need a team of Uniframes for the endgame content, once you have strong teams of Omniframes. Though, you can borrow highly invested units from other players (in-game friends and guildmates) in Norman War like SSS/SSS+ A2 or SSS/SSS+ Luna, who can clear any stage by themselves.

How do I unlock Hetero-Hive Mother in Simulated Trial?


You don’t have to play the meta, play the game the way you find to be the most fun way to play.
The game is very f2p friendly. You can get new S-rank debuts every 2 patches and most of the A-rank constructs are very powerful. I use my SSS+ No.21 over my SS Kamui Tenebrion in the Dark team just because I find her kit to be more fun.
Don’t give up, keep practicing, don’t burn yourself out, spend wisely, ask for help if you’re struggling and take breaks to stay healthy!

Thanks for reading my guide!

Hope you found it useful!
Shout out to everyone in the PGR community who have been creating informative content.
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