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Tim Hanson x 530 // Find SERP gaps checklist

How to find gaps in existing SERPs.
Yo, hey, hello.
I’m Tim. I run . Thanks for checking out the carousel. Here are the questions for you to reference. You can play around in this doc, so don’t be afraid to click the buttons and such.
Anyway, here’s the stuff you came for. ​
Make a copy of this list for yourself

Is the content helpful?

Is what currently ranks written for people or ranking?
Can you easily tell if it's written by an automation software?
Does it actually answer the question you searched around in the first place?
Does it answer it early in the content?
Do I feel content that I have my question answered?
Does it open another loop for me to keep reading?

Is the content quality?

Does the content link to credible sources?
Am I given any deeper explanation?
Does it go beyond surface level ideas/answers/concepts?
Do they have original information, research or analysis?
Is the headline not clickbait?
Would I share this with a friend?
Would I bookmark it for my own use?

Is it written by an expert?

Can I find profiles of the author somewhere else? Somewhere I'd trust?
Gut feeling - Are they an expert?
Do people talk of this site favourably?
Do they talk of others in the industry favourably?
Is there anything just ~wrong~ about the numbers/facts being spoken about?
If about a product/service, can you tell the person has experience using the product? Images or such to demonstrate?

How is the blog presented?

Spelling issues?
Is the blog itself easy to use, read, navigate?
Does it feel thought out and in service of the reader? Or rushed to get another blog out?
How does it look on mobile?
How many ads are on the page?
Are all the blogs on one topic by the same 1-3 authors?
If I skim it, does it still make sense?

How do I feel after reading the content?

Is it just better than the other options? Regardless of ranking position.
Would I be proud to have written this piece?
Where is it sending me to next? Do I feel like I'm in good hands, or happy to head back to Google?

Some of my other tools and blogs that might help you seeing as you’re publishing :D

Ways I can help you, at the right time of course :D


I run a Sprint focused SEO consultancy - Hit me up in the DM’s and we can chat about that.


I’ll be starting the first cohort in the Anti SEO SEO Club this year. If you’re new to SEO and content, I want to teach you how to do it properly. DM me “Anti SEO SEO Club” and I’ll put on the shortlist of first people


Lastly, and not least of all, actually might be the most helpful - I post on LinkedIn every weekday @1300 GMT. Follow me on there, shoot me a comment. I’m always around.
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