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Daily Devotional

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Day 8: Devotional- "The Boys in the Boat"

"The Boys in The Boat”

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January 8th 2024
Matthew 8:23-27
23They all got into a boat and began to cross over to the other side of the lake. And Jesus, exhausted, fell asleep. 24Suddenly a violent storm developed, with waves so high the boat was about to be swamped. Yet Jesus continued to sleep soundly. 25The disciples woke him up, saying, “Save us, Lord! We’re going to die!”
26But Jesus reprimanded them. “Why are you gripped with fear? Where is your faith?” Then he stood and rebuked the storm, saying, “Be still!” And instantly it became perfectly calm.
27The disciples were astonished by this miracle and said to one another, “Who is this Man? Even the wind and waves obey his Word.” (TPT)


The Lord says, "In this hour I am once again calling my disciples together to get into the boat with me to cross over to the ‘Other Side.’"

Friends, we are on the brink of a transition in the ages. We are sailing out of the "Church Age" and into the "Kingdom Age." The Spirit of God is hovering over the waters and His breath is blowing upon His people leading them into His divine purpose.
The Lord says to you in this moment, "You are in the boat with me."
Friend, I know you can hear the Father calling you. Right now He is saying to you, “will you leave behind the familiar and sail with me out into the unknown. You are being called to go with Yeshua to the "Other Side."
It is not a coincidence that an amazing film released Christmas Day 2023 called "Boys in the Boat." This stellar film chronicles the rise of the 1936 University of Washington Rowing team and their journey to row for Gold at the 1936 Olympics in the heart of Hitlers Berlin.
These young men achieved the impossible, not because they were the best rowers or the strongest men physically. They achieved greatness because they rowed in “perfect unity.”
In the wake of one of their epic performances, the Seattle Intelligencer wrote, "All were merged into one smoothly working machine. They were in fact a poem of motion, a symphony of swinging blades."
Do you see the parable God is placing before our eyes? He is inviting us into the boat with him and with one another. He is asking us to row in perfect unity that we might become a "poem in motion."
There is an amazing phenomenon in Rowing called “Swing.” This occurs when all 8 team members are rowing in such perfect unity that the boat literally lifts out of the water while traveling at a high rate of speed!
George Pocock, the famous racing shell builder once said, "Swing comes when you have that harmony, that synchronicity, eight hearts beating as one."
Friends, the release of this movie in this hour is a prophetic declaration of Gods desire for you. You are called to sit alongside of Yeshua and the rest of His disciples and row out onto troubled waters. And just as the 1936 University of Washington Rowing team, you are called to go into the heart of darkness and demonstrate that when Yeshua is in the boat, "eight hearts can beat as one” and prison walls come crashing down!
Friends, the hour is late. It's time to start rowing as one! And may we as a body experience a supernatural "swing" as we all cross over to the "Other Side." Its time to sail out of the Church age and into the Kingdom Age!

Our Prayer

Father, we thank you for inviting us into your boat. We thank you Holy Father for calling us to journey with you to the Other Side. Please remove from us anything that would keep us from rowing in perfect unity with your heart and spirit. Remind us that as we "row" with you, how we row affects everyone else rowing alongside of us in the boat. We must follow you with all our heart, not just for your sake but for those in the boat with us who are counting on us. Make us strong in faith. Teach us to feel the rhythm of your waters, and may our paddles drive into the water with beauty and grace as we journey with you into the Kingdom Age. We agree with you for any raging waters in our lives to be stilled even now. In Yeshuas Name. Amen.

A Word from Our Father

My child, you are not a spectator. You are an active participant in the boat I have prepared. Learn the lessons from the "Boys of 36." I gave the world the sport of rowing as a prophetic depiction of what can happen when eight men learn to walk together in perfect unity. You are my End Times Bride and soon you will enter a state of "swing." You will feel me lift you out of the water as your "rowing" begins to feel effortless. Your pace will accelerate very soon. I am bringing my disciples, boys and girls, to get into the final boat. Do you believe this word? Do you believe that you are one of my disciples and that you are in my boat? Beloved, do not doubt. I have called you for a purpose. None of the Boys of 36' were noble by worldly standards, but they had something hidden in their hearts which I knew would lead them all to victory. So do you. So keep your eyes on me, and listen to my voice. Leave behind the past, sail away from the port, and cross over with me to the Other Side. The time has come for you to start rowing.

Devotional Song

May this song encourage you to “sail out” into the waters with Messiah. May “your heart move away from the shore” as you grow in greater measures of trust and obedience. For the glory of Messiah Yeshua.

Bonus: Trailer for Film “Boys in the Boat” (Based on the amazing novel by James Daniel Brown)


Bonus: PBS Documentary on the Story of the “Boys in the Boat” (PBS)

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