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Daily Devotional

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Day 17: Devotional- "The Parable of the King and His Three Sons"

"The Parable of the King and His Three Sons

January 17th 2024
John 15:15
“No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.”
Psalms 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 17:15
As for me, I will behold Your face in righteousness; when I awake, I will be satisfied in Your presence.


The Lord said, I want to reveal to you the desires of my heart. Then He said, "Write now the parable of the The King and His Three Sons, and so I began to write…

A King had three sons, each beloved in His sight. He called all three of them to stand before him and he asked them each a question.
What is my greatest desire for your life?
Each son pondered their answers to the question.
The first son responded, 'your greatest desire is for me to experience life to its fullest. That I might live a life filled with great pleasure.'
The King responded, 'As you wish my son, go and do all that is in your heart.'
The King looked at his second son, 'How do you answer the question?' So he replied, “Your greatest desire for me is that I do as much good as possible. To be a good person is your highest aim for me.'
The King responded, 'as you wish my son, go and do all that is in your heart.'
The third son, troubled by the answers of the first two sat in silence. Looking up he realized he was alone with His Father the King.
So my son, said the King, “How do you answer?” And the third son replied. “Father, my King, I do not know the answer. Can we spend some time together that I might find out?”
The King answered, “As you wish, go and do all that is in your heart.”
A few weeks later the Father prepared a meal for his sons and called them home to dine with him. Each of the sons returned and took their place at the table. And the Father said, “My sons, tell me about your time and experiences away from my kingdom.”
The first son appeared before the King looking tired and disheveled. Father, “I went out and experienced the heights of pleasure. And every time I was only left wanting more. Pleasure I sought, and pleasure I could not find."
The Father listened intently and nodded at him then turned his gaze toward his second son. “What about you my son? Tell me about your experience.” His second son, who appeared before him exhausted and breathing deeply replied, “Father, there is so much need all around. I labored and labored for the poor and every time a need was met, a new need came before me. I did everything I could to be good but it just wasn’t enough. I’m tired Father. “
The King looked at his second son with compassion but with a heartache in his chest.
Next he looked at his third son and said, “My Son, tell about your time away from my kingdom.”
And The third son said, “Father, You know I never left. These have been the best weeks of my life. We’ve spent every moment together. I’ve listened to your voice and found that at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. We loved and served people together out of your endless supply of grace. I’ve never felt so fulfilled.
The King smiled and said, “I know Son, I enjoyed our time together even more than you did.
A Parable Explained
The first son represents the secular world which believes that our purpose on earth is to simply indulge in every pleasure the world has to offer. But these children are sadly mistaken for nothing in this world, experienced apart from intimacy with its Maker, can bring lasting satisfaction.
The second son represents the religious system. The children of this kingdom believe Gods highest aim is for each of them to do good works on the earth. Though this is an important component of the kingdom good works done apart from intimacy with the Father is bankrupt.
But the third son represents the children of the Kingdom. They have learned the secret that the greatest desire our Father has for us is to get to know His heart. They have learned the truest form of pleasure is found in knowing and staying close to the Father. They have learned that if they do good works alongside the King, their storehouses never run out.
We must choose this day which son we desire to be.


Our Prayer

Father, we are your sons and daughters. There is nothing we desire than to be in your Presence. To remain at your table is our highest aim. Do not let us get distracted by the cares of this world. We reject the hedonistic ways of this world. We live to find the fullness of our pleasure in you. Keep us from the traps of religion which lead us into good works done apart from intimacy with you. Father, we cry out! Let everything we do usher out of our intimacy with you. We desire only actions and deeds born within your throne room. Teach us O Great King, more and more about your heart. We want to know you intimately. Bring us into your inner chamber. Take us to the Mount of Transfiguration. We long for you! In the Name of Yeshua. Amen

A Word from Our Father

My child, you are my sons and daughters. I have called you by Name. You are my friends. Stay close to me in this hour of great busyness and deception. The world is crumbling around you. The Kingdoms of men are falling. The secular and religious world will perish together. But you my children are from a different Kingdom. Rescue those perishing through your intimacy with me. When they see your light, they will see mine. When there broken cisterns have failed, they will search for new sources of water. And I will lead them to you. As you Fast today, come to me and sit in my Presence and you will be satisfied. Give your day to knowing me and you will find lasting joy. You are destined to sit at my Right Hand. I have spoken.

Devotional Song

This morning I have attached a worship set called The Altar Sessions by Rick Pino. Play this as you sit in His Presence. Our God desires to speak to us today!


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