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Daily Devotional

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Day 15: Devotional- "The Art of Unbroken Fellowship"

"The Art of Unbroken Fellowship

January 15th 2024
1 John 1:3
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
John 17:20-22
“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,
that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one,
I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.
Exodus 25:31-32;36
31 “You are to make a menorah of pure gold. It is to be made of hammered work; its base, shaft, cups, ring of outer leaves and petals are to be of one piece with it. 32 It is to have six branches extending from its sides, three branches of the menorah on one side of it and three on the other….
36 The rings of outer leaves and their branches are to be of one piece with the shaft. Thus the whole menorah is to be a single piece of hammered work made of pure gold.


I heard the Lord say, "I am giving you the gift of ‘unbroken fellowship’ with me."

Friends, Yeshua our Messiah did what we could not do apart from Him, so that through Him we might be able do what He did. And that is to live a life of "unbroken fellowship with God."
We cannot take away the sin of the world, only the spotless Lamb of God could do that. But Yeshua was the Firstborn among "many brothers" and therefore we can learn to walk as he walked.
Friends, an invitation has gone out in 2024 from the Father. He declares, "I offer you 'unbroken fellowship' with me through the blood of my Son. Abide in Him and you will abide in me."
This offering of "oneness" has been there since the beginning. We see it with Adam in the garden, walking with God in the coolness of the day. And we see it during the time of Moses through the instructions given on how to make the vessels to be used for temple worship. One example is the Menorah.
The Menorah, a prophetic symbol of the light and presence of God, illustrates our prophetic call to "unbroken fellowship" with the Father. This seven branched candlestick represents the union of Gods people with Him. The center candle representing Mashiach (Messiah) with the 6 other branches finding their connection in it. Remember what Yeshua said in John 15:5,
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.'
Friends, you are the branches. God has called you to remain "connected" to Messiah in every moment. In this very late hour, God is calling us to pursue this lofty mission. To walk in "unbroken fellowship with the Father."
I once heard it said, "Yeshua experienced the full range of human emotions but never broke fellowship with God." We must pursue this same oneness at all costs. For this is the Kingdom way. That the Son might be revealed through His Bride.
The Menorah also was instructed to be made of "a single piece." This reveals that not only are we meant to be connected to God, but to one another as well. All 6 branches of the Menorah are connected to one another through the center candle, representing Messiah.
We are called to unity. We are called to be of "one piece."
Friend, do you know that all of hell is aligned against you to keep you from unbroken fellowship with God and oneness with His people? You are targeted. A hit has been put out on your life.
But greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world!
Watch for the spiritual attacks against your oneness. Take every thought captive. Battle through the attacks to preserve your fellowship with the Father. This is your calling.
For we will find unity and oneness with one another when each of us radically pursue oneness with then Father.
God is making us into a "single piece." Do you feel the "hammering work?"


Our Prayer

Father, we desire nothing but to dwell in your courts every day. You are worthy! You are holy! We give you our hearts today. We give you everything within us that keeps us from unbroken fellowship with you. We want to be aware of your Presence at all times. Give us this gift of "unbroken fellowship." Father, we come to you as living stones rejected by men but in your sight chosen and precious. Fix us to the Cornerstone. Bind us to one another. That your final temple in the earth, the one not made with human hands, would be made of a single piece. Yeshua in us and us in Yeshua, and all of us in you. A divine expression of your glorious invitation to become one with you! Amen.

A Word from Our Father

My child, you are called to soar above the heights. The world lives in the valley. But Ive called you to ascend to the mountain top with me. The religious system that surrounds you settles for a form of religion but denies the power. The power comes from pursuing "unbroken fellowship" with me. The reason the world accepts a lesser form is because they refuse to count the cost to achieve the greater works. You must forsake the world. You must reject the approval of men. And you must give everything you are to pursue everything I am. I want to dwell with you and in you. Cling to me. Let nothing separate us from oneness. The Blood of my Son is the Key. Fix your eyes upon Him at all times, and like Peter stepping out of the boat, you will never sink. Walking in perfect fellowship with me is possible. Pursue it today and you will be richly rewarded. I have spoken.

Devotional Song

As we worship this morning, may the Father draw near to us. And may we let Him take up full residence within us. Father, make us your HOME.”


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