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MVP Outline

One Accord MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Overview

Develop a streamlined version of the "One Accord" platform that encapsulates its core essence while being quicker to launch and easier to test with a target user base.
1. MVP Vision & Scope:
The primary objective is to facilitate connections within the Christian community, both for spiritual growth and economic interactions. The MVP should offer the most crucial features to enable these connections without the intricate details of the full platform.
2. Core Features for MVP:
User Registration/Profile Creation: Allow users to create a basic profile with essential details.
User Types: Distinguish between individuals, businesses, and ministries/churches.
User Type Parameters:
Distinguished User-type View: Offer limited customization for profile dashboards based on user type; ministry, business, individual
Forum: Initiate basic topic categories for faith discussions and community engagement.
Prayer Wall: A simple wall where users can post prayers and others can respond or show support.
Event Calendar: Allow ministries/churches to list upcoming local events.
Marketplace (Basic):
Listings: Ability to list a need or advertise a good or service
Search Functionality: Enable users to search and view listings based on categories or keywords.
Trade: Simplified system for users to list and trade/barter goods & services.
Messaging: Basic direct messaging system for users to communicate. One to one and one to many.
3. Design & User Experience (UX):
Simple & Intuitive Interface: Prioritize ease-of-use and user-friendly design.
Responsive Design: Ensure the platform is usable on both desktop and mobile devices.
4. Backend Development:
Database: Start with a scalable database system to store user profiles, forum posts, and marketplace listings.
Security: Emphasize on secure user data storage and transactional security.
5. Feedback Mechanism:
Incorporate a simple feedback system where MVP users can report bugs, suggest improvements, or share their experience.
6. Launch & Promotion:
Soft Launch: Introduce the MVP to a limited audience to monitor real-time usage and gather initial feedback.
Promotional Activities: Spread the word within select church communities or faith groups to attract initial users.

Questions to Answer:

To create a detailed plan and set of requirements for the One Accord MVP, I'll need more specific information about your vision and expectations. Here are some questions to guide our understanding:
1. Users:
What specific information is required during User Registration/Profile Creation?
For example, full name, email address, password, profile picture, etc.
For User Types:
Business: What specific parameters or details are you expecting businesses to provide? (e.g., business name, description, services/products, location, contact info)
Ministry: Are there any specific parameters for ministries? (e.g., ministry name, mission statement, affiliated church, location, contact details)
Individual: What additional parameters should be included for individuals? (e.g., denomination, favorite Bible verses, interests)
Distinguished User-type View:
Are there specific modules or features unique to each user type in their dashboard view?
How do you envision the differentiation in appearance or functionality for each user type?
2. Community:
How many initial topic categories are you considering?
Will users be allowed to create new topics or only comment on existing ones?
Do you want any moderation capabilities for forum discussions?
Prayer Wall:
Should there be a limit to the length of prayers posted?
Are there any features like upvoting, flagging, or categorizing prayers?
Event Calendar:
What details are required for event listings? (e.g., event name, date, time, venue, description, organizer details)
Do you want reminders or RSVP functionalities?
3. Marketplace:
What specific information should be included in a listing?
Should there be a limit to the number of listings a user can post?
Is there a duration for how long a listing remains active?
Search Functionality:
Are there specific filters or sorting options you want, besides categories or keywords?
Do you need a review or rating system for users after a trade/barter is completed?
Will there be a transaction history or tracking for trades?
4. Communication:
Should there be any limitations to the number of messages a user can send/receive daily?
For "one to many" messaging, how do you envision this working? Like group chats or broadcasting a message to selected users?
5. Design & User Experience (UX):
Do you have branding elements (e.g., logos, color schemes) that should be incorporated into the design?
Are there any specific platforms or devices you want to prioritize for the MVP?
6. Backend Development:
Do you have a preferred database technology or are you open to suggestions?
Do you foresee any special requirements like multi-regional data storage?
Are there any specific compliance standards (e.g., GDPR) that need to be adhered to?
Do you have a preference for authentication methods? (e.g., two-factor authentication)
7. General:
What's the target timeline for the MVP launch?
Do you have any specific tech stack preferences or constraints?
Is there a dedicated team for this project or will there be a need to onboard additional members?
Do you already have hosting solutions in place, or will this be something to determine?
The answers to these questions will greatly assist in formulating a detailed plan and requirements document for your product and development team.
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