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March 19th: Global Day of Action
March 19th Actions

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Sample Tweets/Captions

Warning: Please be cautious of participating in any social media storm, particularly if the political climate in your country could cause issues for you! Your safety comes first. Additionally, please be aware that in some instances one’s account may get suspended.
The climate crisis is not an imminent threat ー it is already here. Here, wreaking havoc on communities around the world. We need immediate action to mitigate the worst of this crisis. @governmentofficial, we demand for our voices to be heard and for #NoMoreEmptyPromises
Current climate inaction is a failure to younger as well as future generations. We’re all fed up and tired but we won’t give up until governments to act immediately #NoMoreEmptyPromises
Hey @governmentofficial, listen to our demands! Stop putting profit over life. On this global day of action we demand climate policies integrating citizens’ needs and emphasizing justice. #NoMoreEmptyPromises
In 2015, nations around the world signed the Paris Agreement ー promising to try to keep the global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Five years later and not enough has been done. @governmentofficial your inaction is utterly immoral. #NoMoreEmptyPromises
The science is clearer than ever ー swift and ambitious climate action is necessary in order to combat the climate crisis. @governmentofficial stop ignoring the facts. #NoMoreEmptyPromises
@company Stop fueling the climate crisis! Your exploitative operations continue to endanger people’s lives, particularly those from MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas) countries. We’re here until you stop. #NoMoreEmptyPromises
@governmentofficial When will you comprehend that we need more ambitious climate policies if we want future generations to actually have a future? Today we raise our voices louder than ever, calling on you to take action. #NoMoreEmptyPromises

Tips + Customization

Remember the 280 character limit!
Make sure to put a ‘.’ before any account you tag when the account is tagged right in the beginning of the tweet.
Make sure to double check for spelling and spacing (particularly when tagging)!
Please use the #NoMoreEmptyPromises
Make your tweet relevant to your own community or to the five immediate action demands.
Example accounts to Tag (please keep in mind the warning):
Promote other people’s tweets so they spread further!

Example captions for social media:

On this global day of climate action, we demand the following from global ‘leaders’: ending all investments in the fossil fuel industry; annual, biding carbon budgets; climate policies that take into account workers’ rights, gender and racial justice, and marginalized communities; citizen participation in climate decision-making; declaring ecocide an international crime. These changes must be made immediately in order to mitigate the worst of the climate crisis. Governments and fossil fuel companies must stop failing younger generations. We are raising our voices louder than ever until our demands are met. #NoMoreEmptyPromises
As the world gets hotter and hotter by the year and as natural disasters become more severe and recurring we must treat the climate and ecological emergency like an emergency — which means immediate action and #NoMoreEmptyPromises from our world leaders. We are raising our voices, stronger and louder than ever today ー the Global Day of Action ー to fight for climate justice and demand immediate action.
The climate crisis is here yet governments refuse to take proper action. Us youth want a future where we live on a planet we feel connected to, a society that uplifts and takes care of everyone. We want the same for generations after us. Is that too much to ask? Is living an impossible demand? So-called global leaders, stop being irresponsible and start taking action. Start treating this crisis like a crisis. We’re tired of hearing the same excuses. #NoMoreEmptyPromises
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