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Clean Up Standard Chartered
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Standard Chartered Bank is fueling the climate crisis 🔥 While they pretend to be decarbonizing in their greenwashing advertisements, they are investing billions in fossil fuel projects all around the world. Since the Paris Agreement, they have channeled $24 billion into coal, oil and gas companies #CleanUpStandardChartered #RaiseYourStandards
@stanchart pretends to be committed with sustainability, yet it is the world’s largest coal financier since the Paris Agreement. We won’t accept #NoMoreEmptyPromises. It is time to end their dirty business. Join us to demand #CleanUpStandardChartered ‼️and keep an eye on ➡️
“What is just numbers and investments for you, makes our life a living hell. Stop taking all the profit for your own while leaving us in poverty.” It warns that “if profit is continuously chosen over life, a downpour worse than ashfall and the strongest typhoon is yet to come. The Fridays for Future movement is here to collect the dues you owe to the people. This is just the beginning.”

13 activists from 11 countries have written a letter to Standard Chartered Bank CEO, Bill Winters to call to #CleanUpStandardChartered. We stand together and we stand tall. We are all running out of time. @StanChart we need you to #RaiseYourStandards
In their reaction to Fridays for Future, Standard Chartered Bank claimed on Thursday morning to have made a "commitment in 2018 not to fund new coal mines or coal-fired power plants".
However, Standard Chartered only excluded project loans for new coal plants, while the vast majority of their coal finance is funneled via corporate loans. To say they made a commitment to not fund new coal-fired power plants is a lie. Excluding only one specific type of loan that makes the smallest share of their coal finance is a shoddy trick. They think they can fool us because we are kids. But they are wrong.
Check for the letter and for more information!

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