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renewble energy
Solar energy collection and conversion

The importance of solar energy as a renewable energy

Man has begun to benefit from everything around him since he was found on the surface of the earth, and the same applies to solar energy, which has become the focus of attention in human development on clean and renewable energy. Since the industrial revolution, the demand for various forms of energy has increased tremendously, and fossil fuels have become the first choice. In humans, however, the harms posed by this fuel and its lack of durability led to looking at other sources of energy, so the solar energy was the first of these sources, as it is a non-exhaustible renewable energy, and it is also a clean energy. Even if we look at other forms of renewable energy, its origin will be solar energy, so wind energy is formed, for example, by solar energy, as the sun’s rays reach different regions on the surface of the earth in unequal amounts, so the equator, for example, is heated more than the poles, which It causes differences in atmospheric pressure, and thus causes the movement of winds on the surface of the earth, so the main reason behind the wind movement that is used as renewable energy is solar energy. The same applies to the use of rivers and waterfalls as a source of renewable energy, as most rivers continue to flow as a result of the water cycle in nature and the rainfall in the sources of rivers.
Benefits of renewable energy:
Economic and political independence Renewable energy is good for preserving the local economy, as dependence on imported fossil fuels leads to subjecting the state to the economic and political goals of the supplying country, while renewable energy represented in wind energy, sun energy, water, and organic materials, is found all over the world, And not in specific areas, as is the case with fossil fuels, and dependence on them reduces the need for fuel. [2] On the other hand, renewable energy needs more labor compared to other energy sources that depend mostly on technology, as there will be workers to install solar panels. , technicians to maintain wind farms, and other jobs that increase job opportunities
Low cost Renewable energy is witnessing a continuous decrease in costs, despite the progress made in its development, as the equipment used in it has become more efficient, and technology and engineering work have also become more developed in this field, in contrast to gas, fossil fuels, and other energy sources that despite their advantages However, prices fluctuate periodically.
Improving public health Coal and natural gas stations lead to air and water pollution, which leads to many health problems. such as breathing disorders, neurological problems, heart attacks, cancer, premature death, and other serious problems. Solar and hydroelectric energy all generate electricity without any emissions causing air pollution. Although some types of renewable energy can cause pollution; such as geothermal energy systems and biomass, but the total emissions that cause pollution in them are generally much lower than the total emissions resulting from power plants that use coal and natural gas. It does not pollute water resources, or consume supplies needed for agriculture, drinking, or other uses. A study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL's) showed that the total consumption of water and its withdrawal in biomass and geothermal energy will decrease by 80% by 2050 AD
Energy that does not run out Renewable energy is distinguished in that it is not exhaustible, compared to other energy sources; such as coal, gas, and oil, and this means that they are always available, such as: the sun that produces energy, and falls within the natural cycles, and this matter makes renewable energy an essential element in the sustainable energy system that is capable of development and development without risk, or harm to future generations
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