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My Engineering Portfolio

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About Me

My name is Ethan Walker, and I have recently graduated from Purdue University. I am currently beginning my Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue under Dr. Ajay Malshe and Dr. Salil Bapat at the Manufacturing and Materials Laboratory focusing on in-space manufacturing applications.

I am passionate about electro-mechanical projects and taking scrap-paper ideas to fully developed prototypes. While I have enjoyed many of my classes, my favorites have been the ones with open-ended projects, like Sophomore Design, Toy Design, and Controls to name a few (Check out my to see what went on there). These have given me the opportunity to combine my enjoyment of both design and electronics into some really cool products.
Outside of classes, I let my curiosity lead the way. I’ve spent countless hours learning how to use new components with Arduino, teaching myself CAD packages, building R/C drones and planes, and learning autonomy with QGroundControl and Mission Planner. I also spent some time learning introductory levels of ROS and OpenCV for a personal project. I could go on and on about the things I’ve tried to teach myself, but its probably best to just point you to my past and present work to get the best idea of what I’ve done.

I do non-engineering things too!
I grew up on the coast of Massachusetts, spending most of my summers somewhere in or on the water. I liked it so much, I built my own boat! When winter came in, the snowboards came out. College followed quite a similar pattern, although I am a bit land-locked. When the weather is warm, I’ll be outside on a hammock or flying some drone, occasionally sailing on a lake nearby. There isn’t much snowboarding to do here, but I make do indoors with learning to cook, playing some game, or attempting to learn another magic trick.




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