May Feature Release

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May Feature Release

Make the most of WellTender's new features!
ResNet is a CRM specifically designed for heavy-asset industrial operators. Our initial, primary target market is Exploration & Production operators (Oil & Gas). Our mission is to Unite Field & Office users in one singular platform, while providing 'culture boosters' to properly align, incentivize, and motivate the entire work force towards common corporate objectives.
Here at ResNet we’ve been working on a lot of great new features for both our desktop and mobile users. For the month of May we have primarily been focused on the Activity Center, the Notification Center, and the Issue Management features on the desktop. Take a look below to see how to utilize these and get the most out of your fully digitized workflows as you unite the field and the office.

Activity Center

Activity Center will function as the company’s stream of consciousness where everyone can cultivate and customize conversations around assets, colleagues, and operations they want to follow. Users will have the ability to create a post, tag users and/or entities, and attach any documentation needed. Users will also be able to tag a specific route or user group, meaning if there is a post about a route/group that another user is following they will receive an alert. This will serve as a way to quickly and effectively communicate and organize communication across the entire company within mere clicks.

Notification Center

Never miss a beat! The Notification Center will alert the user to any activity happening on the platform. The Notification Center is customizable allowing users to choose what they are alerted too including: company news, an assets the user is associated with or following, as well as user groups and routes they are a member of.

Issue Creation

Create issues within seconds. The Create Issue function will allow anyone on the platform to submit an issue quickly. The Create Issue button is located in three convenient areas on the platform: within the Issues object, on the UFO display page, and on the Global Navigation Menu as a small (+) icon -
Simply select the Create Issue button, fill in the appropriate information, assign the issue, add estimated due dates and click create. It will then appear on the Issues Tab along with all other issues where everyone can access them, view the status, and see progress. Try Kanban boards and Campaigns to better visualize and organize your operations today.

Coming Soon to a UFO Platform near you!

Stay tuned for more exciting feature developments such as individual and group challenges, leader boards showcasing performance, offline modes, achievement awards, and the launch of our WellTender mobile App!
We want to hear from you! Take a look at some feature ideas and rate them.
Bat Signal Menu
Bat Signal Menu (Mobile) - like Waze, but for field operators. This quick action feature menu is located on the mobile app Map screen and will contain additional field data and feature flows for our field operators to further optimize their daily routes.
Personal Stats
WellTender Personal Stats (Mobile) - understand how you stack up against your peers with a highly robust Action Report on your personal activity and performance.
Challenges (#UFO) - interface that unites both field operators and office personnel towards common objectives. Start every day off right! Accept daily and weekly challenges to further demonstrate the value you add to the bottom-line every day and compete against your peers
Other Features?
We want to hear from you! Got other ideas you feel more passionately about? Propose them here, and see these included in Next Month's Blog review, where we'll have another Feature Prioritization Survey
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Find the secret work hidden in this post and email it to with the subject: Secret Word to win a sweet ResNet prize. Contest ends June 30, 2022.
Bat Signal Menu (Mobile) - like Waze, but for field operators. This quick action feature menu is located on the mobile app Map screen and will contain additional field data and feature flows for our field operators to further optimize their daily routes.
WT Personal Stats (Mobile) - understand how you stack up against your peers with a highly robust Action Report on your personal activity and performance.
Challenges (#UFO) - interface that unites both field operators and office personnel towards common objectives. Start every day off right! Accept daily and weekly challenges to further demonstrate the value you add to the bottom-line every day and compete against your peers
Other - we want to hear from you! Got other ideas you feel more passionately about? Propose them here, and see these included in Next Month's Blog review, where we'll have another Feature Prioritization Survey
something like that...

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