Anchor本身也存在一些挑战,比如Emission end = protocol红利消失,以及Anchor的yield是直接受借贷量的减少的挑战的 - 这也是为什么很多人认为Terra在玩金融游戏。详细可以阅读
Mirror: offers on-chain exposure to synthetic assets product with a reliable oracle. Mirror's unique appeal to users is cheap and global access to equities at any position size.
LFG哪来的钱买得起$10B的bitcoin?哪怕22年年初融了$1B,这仍然不够。猜测是从community treasury里拿钱,or印钞(庄家砸盘),但这个推论太难验证:simply because UST is everywhere and it is almost impossible to trace all the money flow
May 10 2022 UST depeg, LUNA 归零。Depeg原因大致为LFG买BTC,被索罗门式做空盯上。UST depeg→Terra往里面倒BTC→btc跌→UST继续跌 + luna恐慌→死亡循环
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