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EZ: Apr. 29th AMA(Original Chinese ver.)

1. 他们融资了后没有发布新闻,团队先打磨产品,在产品上线后,才公开了融资新闻,就来了很多用户
2. 参加了solana hackathon,获得第一名后,当天在discord就进来了1万用户
3. 做了大量活动去吸引更多的用户,都是自己去宣发的。如果magic eden 或其他nft平台发布的话,吸引过来都是nft的投机者,不会真的用产品
4. 而且早期进来大量用户并不是好的事情,这样不利于做数值分析,which is important for this kind of application
5. 当时团队决定把前10000双限量的鞋奖励给discord的社区成员,并且做了大量活动让社区成员参与,并且获得奖励
6. 早期去找区块链的KOL不是很好的市场宣传模式,他们很忙,有很多项目,这样会浪费团队很多时间,除非自己有资源
7. 在用户真正了解产品,再去做宣传,这样web3 app说不定还可以创造kol
8. 10000双鞋在discord的分发赠送 非常重要
9. 团队需要和用户聊天,用户参与度都非常高,用户陪伴团队一起成长
10. 中国人团队需要效率很高,只用了4个月的时间,就达成了:从0到1做好的钱包app,nft 交易市场,内置swap功能,运动的机制,gps信号处理,防作弊(AI,自己训练了一套引擎)
11. 这个app是团队24小时值班的做出来的产品,calendar开放24小时,团队的人可以book任何时间点
12. Team非常全球化
13. 最早期的10000个用户画像是什么样子的:来自比较多的不发达的国家,主要是为了空投来的,印度(80%)+东南亚。最早做内测都没说会赠送鞋子,只是说会给到满足什么条件的用户
14. 公测之后才开始送nft,那个时候鞋子0.x sol,因为不知道之后的发展,所以很多人拿到在很早的时候就开始卖,主要是nft投机者
15. 最早的持有人基本都不在了,和现在的用户完全不一样了
16. 用户们知道玩法之后,才开始慢慢不卖,而且用户间竞争就会变强(用了两个月过渡期,从不发达国家过度到相对发达的国家,在鞋子到5 sol的时候,不太有钱的国家的用户就很难买的起了)
17. 现在用户前几大都是来自欧美,韩国,日本
18. 对于用户来说货币是token,资产就是nft。web3是一个用户共创的生态。
19. 以前在中国创业的时候,在web2的时候一个产品的团队人数是300人。web3的话不会有这么多人,更加方便,全球分散办公,效率也很高。找到全球很多很棒的人才和合作伙伴。社群会是最大的一个招聘渠道,有共通的愿景和理解。
20. web3的经济体系崩的更加快,不会给太多修改的机会空间。所以stepn才会采取中央调控的做法。(只要团队的价值观是正确的,为了健康的产品,适当的调控是必要的)
21. Mint的参数做了中心化的调整,怎么做决策的?观察经济体发展的健康形式,让产品往健康的方面去调控:供求关系,产出消耗比,和数值。如果鞋子太贵了就会影响到新用户进来的门槛,但是鞋子也不能太便宜,这样就会贬值。数值调整如何决策:观察经济体发展的健康性,axie这个游戏一直在通胀,而且团队没有做什么事;应该有积极的方式去调控(不是干预)让他更健康发展。
22. web3创业,直接做事情就行了,不管三七二十一,失败继续,成功就是新世界。
23. 我们看到axie做的不错,的确需要吸取了他们产品精髓,但是不能一味模仿
24. axie主要就是打金靠租赁服务,stepn会是怎么看待的?
1. axie成长离不开游戏工会,因为axie这个游戏使用难度高,自学难。在我自己体验axie的时候,花费了3个小时。工会会压榨系统的生命价值,加速系统的老化。工会做大了掌握了产品的命运,如果修改不利的话,工会会带走产品
2. stepn会打击游戏工会,产品是做给用户用的,不是给游戏工会的。希望是给真实用户用的,改变他们习惯,生活。把web2的人带入到web3
3. 未来做一个web3的基础架构,自己去开发社交产品,背后都是真实的用户,不是没有灵魂的
4. 租赁会加速发展和老化,可能会导致来参与租赁的用户忠诚度不够
5. 租赁的功能1个半月前就做完了,一直没有上,无限期延后,需要即可以让新人快速体验产品,又可以让他们对生态产生贡献
25. 修改游戏内的参数,会让一些人的利益受损,但是会造福大部分的用户
26. 早期得靠自己和co-founders,当时团队就两个人自己做所有的事情。开始很难招人,早期自己都是小的水军。
27. 因为web3太早期了,完全放任去中心化是不是不好的。stepn是挺典型的有中国特色的社会主义:web3的账号+金融体系 + web2的产品设计和开发。中心化的干预,放慢速度,去让系统更加健康。让用户有感觉,告诉他们 用户会调控的。目前有工作室在作弊,连着电脑去mint鞋子,没有很严格封禁,有一定的可行性,长期来说不鼓励的。希望用户是千万级别的。自己咋摸索探索,gmt在mint上扮演的觉得也会调整,会去做一个平衡。
28. 用户第一
29. 准备了很多宏观调控的手段

EZ: Apr. 29th AMA(English Translated ver.)

1. they did not release news after financing, the team first polished the product, and only after the product was online, the financing news was made public, and many users came
2. participated in solana hackathon, won the first place, the same day in the discord came in 10,000 users
3. did a lot of activities to attract more users, are their own to promote the. If magic eden or other nft platform release words, attract over are nft speculators, will not really use the product
4. and early in a large number of users is not a good thing, so that is not conducive to do numerical analysis, which is important for this kind of application
5. the team decided to award the first 10,000 pairs of limited shoes to discord community members, and did a lot of activities for community members to participate and get rewards
6. early to find the blockchain KOL is not a good marketing model, they are very busy and have many projects, so it will waste a lot of time for the team, unless they have resources
7. in the user really understand the product, then go to do publicity, so web3 app may also be able to create kol
8. 10,000 pairs of shoes in the distribution of discord giveaway is very important
9. the team needs to chat with users, user participation are very high, users accompany the team to grow together
10. the Chinese team needs to be very efficient, only 4 months of time, reached: from 0 to 1 well done wallet app, nft trading market, built-in swap function, the mechanism of movement, gps signal processing, anti-cheating (AI, own training a set of engine)
11. the app is the team 24 hours on duty to make the product, calendar open 24 hours, the team of people can book any point in time
12. team is very global
13. the earliest 10,000 user portrait is what it looks like: from more underdeveloped countries, mainly for airdrop to India (80%) + Southeast Asia. The earliest internal test did not say that they would give away shoes, only that they would be given to users who met what conditions
14. after the public test only began to send nft, that time shoes 0.x sol, because do not know the development after, so many people get in very early to start selling, mainly nft speculators
15. the earliest holders are basically gone, and now the user is completely different
16. users know how to play before they slowly began not to sell, and competition between users will become stronger (with two months of transition, from undeveloped countries to relatively developed countries, in the shoes to 5 sol, not too rich country users will be difficult to buy)
17. now the first few users are mostly from Europe and the United States, South Korea, Japan
18. for the user currency is token, the asset is nft. web3 is a user co-creation of the ecology. 19.
When I started in China, the team size of a product in web2 was 300 people. web3 will not have so many people, it is more convenient, global decentralization, and high efficiency. We found a lot of great talent and partners around the world. The community will be one of the biggest recruitment channels, with a common vision and understanding.
20. web3's economic system collapses faster and doesn't give too much room for modification. That's why STEPN is taking a centralized approach to regulation. (As long as the team's values are correct, appropriate regulation is necessary for a healthy product)
21. the parameters of Mint made centralized adjustment, how to make decisions? Observe the healthy form of economic development, so that the product to the healthy side of the regulation: supply and demand, output consumption ratio, and value. If the shoes are too expensive it affects the threshold for new users to come in, but the shoes can't be too cheap, which would devalue them. Numerical adjustment how to make decisions: observe the health of the development of the economy, axie the game has been inflationary, and the team has not done anything; there should be an active way to regulate (not intervention) to make him more healthy development.
22. web3 venture, just do things directly, regardless of the three or seven, failure continues, success is the new world.
23. we see axie do a good job, indeed need to learn the essence of their products, but not just imitate
24. axie is mainly to play gold by leasing services, stepn will be how to view?
a. axie growth can not be separated from the game union, because axie the game is difficult to use, self-learning difficult. In my own experience axie, it took 3 hours. The union will squeeze the life value of the system and accelerate the aging of the system. The union is bigger and holds the fate of the product, if the modification is unfavorable, the union will take away the product
b. stepn will fight the game union, the product is made for users, not for the game union. Hope is for real users to use, change their habits, life. Bring the web2 people to the web3
c. the future to do a web3 infrastructure, to develop their own social products, behind all the real users, not soulless
d. leasing will accelerate the development and aging, which may lead to the lack of loyalty of users who come to participate in leasing
e. the function of leasing was done 1.5 months ago, has not been on, indefinitely postponed, need that can let newcomers quickly experience the product, but also allow them to contribute to the ecology
25. modify the parameters of the game, will let some people's interests are damaged, but will benefit most of the users
26. early on, we had to rely on ourselves and co-founders, when the team was two people doing everything by themselves. It was hard to recruit people at the beginning, and the early ones were small water forces.
27. because web3 is too early, completely let go of decentralization is not bad. stepn is quite typical of socialism with Chinese characteristics: web3 account + financial system + web2 product design and development. Centralized intervention, slowing down, going to make the system more healthy. Let the end Currently there are studios cheating, connected to the computer to mint shoes, there is no very strict blocking, there is a certain feasibility, the long-term discouraged. I hope the user is a ten million level. Own how to feel explore, gmt play on mint feel will also adjust, will go to do a balance.
28. user first
29. prepared a lot of macro-control

Ava: Apr. 17th AMA(Original Chinese ver.)

Jerry base 澳洲,团队来自于全球,来自于浙江大学大04级计算机本科,不断创业,早年做了一个游戏公司达到财务自由移民澳洲
8月立项——9月demo参加solana黑客松 ——11月内测——现在100多万用户,几十万日活。
多链:Sol / bsc / eth,未来会开放Nft平台
为什么选择SOLANA:1.手续费便宜,转账速度快; 2.生态比较活跃,有比较多的开发者,可以有很多项目、公链的助力,很多早期种子用户来自于solana
之后两个大方向:NFT market(品牌上会独立出来,相当于是一个新的平台,不止是交易Stepn鞋子,还有其他NFT) / web3社交(隐私、数据)

Ava: Apr. 17th AMA(English Translated ver.)

Jerry is based in Australia, the team is from all over the world, from Zhejiang University, the big 04 computer undergraduate, constantly entrepreneurial, early years did a game company to reach financial freedom to immigrate to Australia
August project - September demo to participate in solana hackathon - November internal testing - now more than 1 million users, hundreds of thousands of daily activities.
the initial flow + product self-propagation ability
Stepn out of the circle is very strong, the top three: Japan / France / the United States, the mainland does not rank on the top ten
the game company in web3 is an observer not an owner. The running data on the blockchain will not be lost, Apple will lose.
private placement unlocked after one year, but the proportion is very low, 10% a few, unlocked there are three years long. And there are many institutions willing to come to take over the token.
multi-chain: sol / bsc / eth, the future will open nft platform
first quarter profit 2000w+ profit, second quarter more than three times, profit more than os, profit from tax extraction
ponzi scheme: similar to government agencies, the more users need to govern, similar to pensions are also "ponzi", if the service a positive direction, is a healthy direction, the goal is that users are not for money but because of the movement to participate in Stepn
to curb inflation: many games in the first 3% of the population of large households, spending more than 50%, the gem synthesis system is to play for large households. A senior gem costs tens of millions of dollars, passed on to rich players to pay for it
why choose SOLANA: 1. the fee is cheap and the transfer speed is fast; 2. the ecology is more active, there are more developers, there can be many projects and public chains to help, many early seed users come from solana
after two major directions: NFT market (brand will be independent, equivalent to a new platform, not only trading Stepn shoes, and other NFT) / web3 social (privacy, data)
Stepn does not welcome unions, has been constantly fighting unions, there will be many ways to identify scripts. Now the user behavior is very healthy, not just digging for buytips.
There will be a lot of brand cooperation in the future, Asics is the first brand to cooperate. The future may be able to do physical products co-branded release shoes, but will not go directly involved in making shoes.

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