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SocialFi Overview【GM】

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feeling: humm kinda dying
The Roll network mints branded digital tokens unique to one’s online presence, allowing one to own, control and coordinate the value one creates across platforms.
Roll is based on Ethereum, and the economics of its social money goes like this:
A smart contract that cannot be arbitrarily changed defined the protocol for minting and monetary policy of social token. Exactly 10M units of social money will be created, no more and no less. The platform will also make transparent the current cap on the amount of social money. Roll will hold a small percentage for community development.
Immediately after signup, the smart contract issues the first 2M social money to creator’s Roll wallet. This initial money can be used to build up a community through airdrop and early distribution
After initial step, every month a fixed portion of token will be unlocked linearly until 3 year later when the entire 10M is unlocked. This vesting is to ensure the interest of creator is aligned with the community.

Discord 3k total, ~500 active
Landed $10M Series A in Sept 2021, found 2019

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