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Blockchain One Pager
Well, first of all, New Order is a DAO


New Order was created with a goal to build a self-governing incubator positioned to assist DeFi innovation, through promoting new asset classes, chain independence and machine learning(Enzo: Really?ML?)
New Order is an Ecosystem DAO that is built to operate as a launchpad for the most innovative Web3 financial products, tools and applications that contribute to the vision of creating a fully composable financial ecosystem embracing multi-chain DeFi at its core. The DAO will support early stage projects aligned with its vision of being chain-agnostic, focused on a plethora of innovative new-age asset classes including data-driven tokens, NFT's and more.
The primary goal is to create an ecosystem that is not bottlenecked by limiting interoperability and allow liquidity to freely enter markets and foster growth in the biggest financial ecosystem in DeFi.

Dao Innovation

Decentralized decision mechanism that will support projects: Community members to democratically allocate funding and applicable resources to projects of their choice

Pain Points: Inefficient cross chain governance & decentralization↓

Following our mission of supporting a multi-chain ecosystem, we are faced with issues around efficient cross chain governance(multi-chain governance solution:decentralization↓, channeled efficiencies↓compared to single chain). In order to combat the inefficiencies we will employ a unique multi-chain approach through working with industry multi-chain governance pioneers - Kleros and Gnosis. Gnosis and Kleros provide innovative solutions that carefully balance security and decentralization with a focus on operational efficiency.
With this partnership in place, New Order governance will be able to operate on multiple chains simultaneously, allowing the community to participate without the need to bridge their tokens and incur unnecessary fees. This solution is the first implementation of a governance system that is agnostic to the chain that the tokens are settled on, utilizing industry leading security of Gnosis Safe’s multi-signature vaults and treasury management products, accompanied by the secure arbitration mechanism available at Kleros. 该解决方案是首次实施与代币结算链无关的治理系统,利用Gnosis Safe的多签名保险库和资金管理产品的行业领先安全性,并辅以Kleros的安全仲裁机制。
Comments from Enzo: To put everything into a nutshell
Painpoints: Inefficient cross chain governance & decentralization↓
Gnosis: Utilize the SafeSnap module to enforce accurate execution of community governance proposals on chain (multisign)
Kleros: Provides the needed decentralized arbitration mechanism to allow for dispute management
Community members can live on any preferred layer one.
House the New Order treasury on the Ethereum mainnet at the time of launch.


The New Order token allows for active involvement in a distributed voting platform for resource appropriation that carefully distributes project funding and rewards to community members.
Enzo: New Order Token=Voting+Funding+Rewards+Staking
Treasury assets and the revenue generated from the launched projects will be stored in the treasury vault that will be thoughtfully managed through a voting mechanism.
Enzo: Rewards= Building Awareness + Community + good investment


In order for the proposal to be accepted by the protocol, it will need to successfully approved, by passing 3 steps:

Enzo’s Version 👇🏻

New Order Improvement proposal
What should be included?
Time required for processing
Conditions for passing
Step 1: Ideation
Considered as an informal draft, traction is important
Appropriate forum category + community feedback/discussions
No time requirement
No formal requirement. If the proposal does not get traction in the form of strong community discussions, it is unlikely that the proposal will be successful.
Step 2: Specification
Using a New Order Proposal Template: Simple Summary, Abstract, Motivation, Specification,Supporting Evidence, and Implementation.
New Order Improvement Proposal is generated
5 Days
Receive a majority forum poll voting.
Step 3: Consensus
a. Edit the proposal,and pass the vote, then move to step3
b. Created Snapshot vote, voting the members must hold a minimum of 1 governance token to participate
The New Order Improvement proposal is edited for accuracy and a New Order Snapshot poll is created
7 Days
Yes-voting quorum of a minimum of 4% of the circulating supply of New Order governance tokens.
There are no rows in this table


Industry standard: core member group or third party to be in control of the multisig
Pain Point: Centralizing control in the core team
SubDAO: Subordinate departments/branches within New Order that would each house a multisig signer. These signers would be community assigned as leaders for the departments based on the reputation (contributions + participation)
Elected leader who will be paid by the DAO in their choice of asset. Each department leader will also be in charge of a multisig key, acting as the final safety layer of the DAO.

Ensuring equal voting weighting

New leaders can be voted in through decentralized community voting.
6/9 multisig would be present that is hosted by Gnosis SafeSnap. As mentioned, each elected department leader will be carefully allocated a salary and a budget by the payroll department.
Ok, Let’s dig deeper about those departments:

Financials / Accounting

Assembling budgets, payroll and expenses of all SubDAO’s.
Contact Che#2671 on discord to learn more


Assist in back and front end development, including smart contracts and further protocol integrations.


Core Team - 20%
Daily vested over 2 years
LBP - 3% sold on the Miso Dutch auction
Airdrop - 5%, to be announced soon !
DAO Treasury - 38% governed by NEWO holders
Liquidity Mining - 14%
* Emissions schedule
Investors and Advisors - 20%
Daily vested over 1 year


New Order will be launching the most innovative multi-chain projects that are focused on machine learning and new digital asset classes.
Having successfully launched [REDACTED], OptyFi and H20.
What does New Order do?
Networking+Fundraising+Token designa and protocal architecture+Development and security

Dapp Marketplace

Incubated projects will send to Dapp Marketplace

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